If only it were so easy to break bad habits.
If only it were so easy to break bad habits.
Stimulants work because what theyre actually stimulating is your prefrontal cortex and the executive function associated with it. The teacher needs coffee analogy in another comment is reasonably spot on.
Tbh I think that bugs everyone not just us lol
Yes which is why I was switched over to the Strattera generic which isnt a stimulant. It helps but honestly therapy and exercise did most of the work.
Pretty sure it was just emacs users instinctively swatting the vim enthusiast.
I keep a bottle of Irn Bru or something else too revolting to forget washing the pills down with next to the pills.
“Youd be the top of the class if you… tried”
Meanwhile I am basically at war with myself every millisecond of the day to get what I get done, done and all people see is what the winner of that war accomplished. It feels like a war but is probably better described as a tug of war where the victor doesn’t need to just win but overpower their opponent enough to do literally anything else.
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When I was in junior high there was a project that was worth half my grade that was announced on day 1 and due at the end of the semester. I waited until an hour before it was due to start working on it. I got an A. I can only imagine what I could have done if I had worked on it consistently throughout the semester like a normal person.
Intentionally tone deaf system strikes again.
Sarcism/satire does not travel well through the internet tubes.
I didnt autopilot no
Ill have you know that I pick up like 2 or 3 of them every couple years and abandon them again two weeks later. Theyre not abandoned forever, just 99% of the time.
Thing is… you cant magically fix society with the snap of your fingers. And theres stuff you NEED to do that you dont want to even in a star trek style luxury space communist utopia. eg. I have to use reminders/timers to do things like take medication, drink water, chores etc. There isnt really a way to “fix” society so that that is no longer true. I have to take medication. I have to drink water. I have to wash my clothes and clean up after myself. Everyone does.
ADHD is probably akin to a tribe. One that arguably has its advantages like hyperfocus, creativity and sensitivity to emotions (empathy) but it is at the cost of a tremendous amount of inertia when it comes to doing stuff and executive dysfunction that requires you to compensate for.
Not 3 hours, 3 days/weeks/months depending on how much i despise the task
This reminds me… I should try hallucinogens some time. Just to see what my brain does with them.
The difference in risk for delayed sleep schedules between those with ADHD and the general population is so substantial and the link strong enough, that it has been considered as part of the diagnostic criteria for ADHD.
3 out of 4 adults with ADHD have a delayed circadian rhythm: https://www.additudemag.com/adhd-sleep-disturbances-symptoms/
This is why until 2010, the two were considered to be mutually exclusive. There’s overlap but in a lot of ways theyre almost polar opposites.
If you are expected to be productive, that is by definition, not “free time.”