Mama told me not to come.

She said, that ain’t the way to have fun.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I don’t really believe anything Putin says, I believe what he does. I think “protecting ethnic Russians” was an excuse to achieve his main goal, which was to keep Ukraine from joining NATO, and to resolve the dispute around Crimea.

    I think he wanted a quick war, but Ukraine didn’t play ball and now he needs to save face to stay in power. So he desperately needs a win here, so he’s pivoting to Russian nationalism to stay in power because it’s becoming pretty clear that this war is going to drag on.

  • I thought they’re devoting so much to this war largely because Putin needs it to stay in power. As in, they started it because they thought they could secure a peace deal really quickly (i.e. no NATO and official handover of Crimea), but things didn’t go as planned and Putin has to see it through to maintain his power. The nationalism and crushing of Democracy was plan B, not the primary goal.

    I don’t think they need more fuel reserves, and they already have a bridge to Crimea, so they don’t really need any of the land in E. Ukraine. I think Russia attacked with the excuse of assisting Russian separatists in the east, but I really don’t think they care about them, they just want Ukraine to stay within their sphere of influence, and failing that, not join the west. Before 2014, the government of Ukraine was pretty pro-Russia, and then they switched to a pro-west government (some say through western influence, but not sure how much of that is propaganda).

  • Yeah, I don’t understand why JBOD with a decent chipset is so hard to find. I really don’t expect much from it, I just want to slide some drives in and have everything run consistently for a few months at a time. I’ll power cycle periodically to apply updates, so I’m not looking for 24/7/365 operation or anything.

    FWIW, Level1Techs seems to recommend MediaSonic (timestamp is where he talks about reliability), but doesn’t give it a ringing endorsement. And that was one of the better ones he’s seen…

    After a bunch of research, what I’ve found is:

    • okay chipset, but garbage build quality (no dampening for drives, no hot-swap, etc)
    • fancy controller that doesn’t support JBOD - non-starter for me, I don’t want anything to do with hw controllers
    • expensive - at a certain point, I’ll just keep my oversized ATX case that does the job

    Now I’m looking for compact cases that support 5 drives, like this one (a little too cheap perhaps?) or this one. It just seems reliable 4-5 bay USB-C enclosures just aren’t that popular.

  • Makes sense for single drives, but if I go with USB, it’ll be something like this with multiple bays, which will almost certainly support UASP. I also don’t want a hardware RAID controller because I’d much rather my BTRFS filesystem handle the individual drives than rely on some controller to not corrupt my data.

    The problem, however, is that a lot of these enclosures use really crappy components. Sometimes drives will drop off for no reason and the entire unit will need to be power cycled. They also tend to require a separate power supply, which is also annoying. But if there’s a super high quality one for pretty cheap, the entire package (mini PC + enclosure) is probably smaller than pretty much any equivalent case. So I’m interested, I just haven’t found a good fit.

  • Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. Fortunately, the previous owner seemed obsessed with phone and coax jacks, so almost every room has at least one of them. I could just run ethernet over those jacks, but I might be able to attach a string to them to pull in a proper ethernet cable. Then again, maybe I’ll just end up needing to drill new holes, idk.

    I’m just not looking forward to doing it is all.

  • I understand the Taiwan argument, I don’t understand Ukraine, how does everyone joining NATO help Russia/China in any capacity? By that logic, they should attack Switzerland or the Cayman Islands and piss off most of the billionaires in the world who hide their assets there…

    The purpose behind attacking Ukraine was to prevent them from joining NATO, and that kind of relied on a quick resolution to the war before other countries have a chance to join. The goal was to get in and get out with a treaty that formally recognizes Russia’s control over Crimea and promises to not join NATO.

  • Exactly. Just like any other kind of proselytizing, it’s better to just live by example and answer questions as they come. For example:

    • personal finance - manage finances properly, and people will notice that you’re not stressed about money
    • religion/philosophy - live a worthwhile life and demonstrate the value it brings to your life
    • products - use them and mention them when relevant (e.g. my coworker loves their Remarkable and shills it at every opportunity)

    People aren’t going to change their behavior because you’re pushing something on them, they’ll change their behavior if they see something they want more than what they have. I think more people should self-host, but I don’t get anything from others switching, nor do I have much control over them deciding to switch.

  • I’m more interested in multi-bay enclosures, but as you said, the chipsets tend to be kinda crappy. And that’s what makes me hesitate to use these mini PCs, my use-case is for a NAS, but these enclosures are kind of expensive and seem to have pretty poor components.

    So for now, I’m using larger cases to hold the drives. But it takes up a lot of desk space, so these mini PCs are very attractive, if I can get a compact external enclosure to work.

  • I’ve heard good things about Proxmox, but I have no direct experience with it. That would be a separate box that manages the VMs and everything, and it has a remote GUI option (webpage I think?).

    If you want something on an existing box, just use KVM directly, or a simple frontend like GNOME boxes. I don’t know about remote configuration, but once it’s set up, do you really need to check in on things remotely? KVM will do hardware acceleration (definitely CPU acceleration, GPU if you configure it properly), and it has no GUI by default.

  • Next time, check out Level1Techs on YouTube. Wendell reviews a lot of these devices, and he’ll give pretty good feedback on what’s legit and what’s not. Ho has reviewed MinisForum for years and has consistently recommended them. Just be careful, because he also reviews the more sketchy devices and sometimes recommends them (but with caveats), so don’t assume that because it is covered, that it’s legit.

  • Which is really weird IMO.

    If you want to run everything over a VPN, you’re going to have issues when the internet goes out. Use VPN as a fallback or to get around CGNAT, not as a primary way of routing everything.

    Here’s my setup:

    1. VPS runs WireGuard VPN and HAProxy forwards services through VPN to the relevant internal device
    2. router runs DNS server and routes my domains to local addresses
    3. TLS is handled on the device that serves the content for whatever service it is

    So when I connect on my LAN, my router just points the domain to the machine running Jellyfin and I get all the goodness of TLS. When I connect outside my LAN, my VPS tunnels TLS through the WireGuard VPN to get around CGNAT and I get all the goodness of TLS. So it doesn’t matter where I connect, I use the same URL and get TLS.