Hydrox could be a detergent, medicine, plumbing brand, pet supplument, video game boss, maybe even a sports drink but NOT a freaking cookie.
reddit refugee
Hydrox could be a detergent, medicine, plumbing brand, pet supplument, video game boss, maybe even a sports drink but NOT a freaking cookie.
These are bad but God forgive the massgrave of uncreativity that is Yotube comments
Gosh I hate award speech edits
We should have a base 12 metric system but the French already established the 10
I don’t know about these workarounds but I remember Win10 has something like “Create for another person” then “I don’t have their info” and it will just let you create a local acocunt. I don’t know about 11 tho
The default nowadays is Discord, especially for online-based communities.