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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023

  • > And despite security recommendations, too many IT depts still force password resets every 90 days…

    It could be for contractual or for insurance reasons. We have some contracts with government agencies that require it, and our cyberinsurance also does. Even though NIST has been recommending for years to do long passphrase + MFA and no reset unless you suspect compromise.

    So yeah, the reason behind this might not be just plain incompetence.

  • All the while they uphold objectively-racist comments despite several reports. Fucking weird.

    I mentally checked out of reddit when I got a comment deleted and a 3-day sitewide ban for saying:

    “It is always OK to punch a Nazi.”

    It was a literal comment, not figurative, nothing was being compared, etc. Just a straight statement about actual past and present-day Nazis. Ban.

    The 3rd-party app fiasco happened a couple of weeks later, and that was the second sign that I needed to GTFO.

  • I don’t even ask for that anymore because it rarely leads to good ends. What I do now is send an email summarizing the dumb bullshit that they want me to do, describe the detrimental effects that it will have in excruciating detail, ask if there are any corrections and if my understanding is correct, and say that if I don’t get a reply from them by X time, I’ll do $DumbBullshitThing at Y time/date. It gets CC’ed at least one level higher than them in the food chain and also to my personal email address for CYA.

    It puts the onus on them, creates a paper trail, and also places the blame on them when shit blows up because they asked me to do $DumbBullshitThing when the consequences were clearly laid out.

  • That’s exactly why we need to give them the boot.

    Hard disagree. If you’re running something business-critical, the support that you get with a RHEL license {or any other vendor, for that matter) is worth its weight in gold.

    If you can’t fix something, you don’t want to be looking for solutions by sifting through forum posts directed at home users when the business is losing thousands of dollars per hour. That’s what the license is for, and that’s what you pay for.