A first-person, single-player AAA shooter could be exactly my cuppa. However, there’d be zero chance I’m buying a game from EA so there’s that.
Canadian-American software developer living in Japan since 2015. Into gardening, DIY, permaculture, etc.
A first-person, single-player AAA shooter could be exactly my cuppa. However, there’d be zero chance I’m buying a game from EA so there’s that.
Well, that can’t be right; they didn’t make anything after SC2k… (bring back archologies!)
Ooooh, look at “I can sleep once and only once per day and never for longer than a day” over here ;P :)
I mean, LOAF was a thing (Linux on a Floppy) that had basic functionality even as most distros were downloaded or on CD. I can’t imagine anyone still develops it, though.
The term of a US president in the early 1980s.
I was thinking 2000g (i.e. 2kg) balls, unless 2000 is a descriptor of a particular type of tungsten.
They partner with an enemy of the US who now gets a presence in mainland North America at the US’s doorstep making infiltration to the US, etc. even easier.
1 + false ? (I have no idea in which order JS would evaluate things as I rarely have to touch that language much anymore)
die unless $keyword == “unless”;
I actually got board, got a new HDD, and got linux mint on it. It doesn’t seem to have a bootloader installed and trying to install grub2 hasn’t changed anything. I’m also pretty disappointed in game support. Maybe I’m missing something, but Steam knows it’s on linux and a huge number of games in my library just say they run on windows or windows and mac.
I’ll check it out. Thanks!
One of my goals after moving is to get another HDD and dual-boot as I transition away. I mostly have to figure out gaming and video editing stuff. I will also probably run WINE just for notepad++ because I can’t quit it with the textfx tools (so far as I know, the linux clone was abandoned, sadly).
Tons of places do not have bidets. Hell, numerous places here still have squat toilets. I guess they are common in many tourist spots and stations in bigger cities. I have some occasional digestive issues and tend to know where toilets with washlets are in places I frequent.
This is totally not my experience. Maybe you have a bad bidet and/or dietary issues?
I play a mix of characters. If they’re voiced, I tend to prefer feminine voices. I think there are a number of reasons for this, but one practical one is that I just hear better in a higher range for whatever reason (and this gets more true the older I get). I have a much easier time hearing higher-pitched voices and generally find them more pleasant.
If they’re not voiced, it depends upon if I’m role-playing something specific. If so, I’ll pick whichever I think fits best. If not, I’ll probably pick a female character just because I find them more pleasing to look at. I always wanted to go back and do a female V playthough of Cyberpunk, but I just never got around to it.
Years ago, in the early 2000s, I got in to MMOs with Final Fantasy XI. I played mostly female characters there because people were more likely to help out.
Japan is YYYY-MM-DD, but when we talk about dates where a year is unneeded, we just cut it off which leaves it in the US standard format of MM-DD, much to the annoyance of non-US foreigners living here.
I only have 19 tabs open total counting this one and I feel like that’s too much.
I don’t think he can be in a relationship with god. Assuming protestant, and often evangelical, there’s a trinity of which Jesus is part and whom they consider too woke
I thought the name sounded super familiar, but I had to look it up. My dad was into BBS and CompuServ in the '80s. He eventually got AOL, which is where I got started with NNTP. I really need to get his history on these things. I know that, when I was super young in the early '80s when they divorced, he was often spending a lot of time online. I’d really like to know more about that era as my memories are scattered and fractured.
If it has EA as only the publisher, I might buy it later on sale. But if it’s first-party within EA, nah. Take-Two is actually the same for me these days. I won’t touch Blizzard-Activision anymore either (which is sad because I bought Warcraft and Starcraft when they came out originally and would play over modem with my buddies).