That’s a lot of words for “I’m too lazy to master the most essential tool of my professional life and keep it updated to my requirements”.
If you don’t want to do it, feel free to pay an Ubuntu support subscription, open a ticket, and get back to work. As you said: you should be working on your problem instead of whining.
Or maybe you earn more whining?
There’s a saying that goes like that: “To a bad workman, there’s always bad tools.”
That’s a lot of words for “I’m too lazy to master the most essential tool of my professional life and keep it updated to my requirements”.
If you don’t want to do it, feel free to pay an Ubuntu support subscription, open a ticket, and get back to work. As you said: you should be working on your problem instead of whining. Or maybe you earn more whining?
There’s a saying that goes like that: “To a bad workman, there’s always bad tools.”