Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman!

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • Started Cyberpunk 2077 this week.

    Cyberpunk 2077

    The prologue was just amazing and it was a whole acid trip for a half an hour. I kinda felt Jackie would die because it was kinda hinted with the conversation V and he had before the heist but it was still sad. “See you in major leagues”. Damn.

    And it doesn’t stop there lol, now my mc is a schizophrenic and talks to Keanu Reeves in his head. This game is perfect but I hope it has more heists like the one in prologue and isn’t just a revenge story.

  • Newsflash, robotics, CNCs, programming

    then you prolly know how hard is to find some niche fixes that’s not on stack overflow, their own forums, not even on some random chinese forums where you need to translate everything to understand it but unfortunately in some random archived post on reddit.

    listen i am not pro reddit, if i was I won’t be here. i could bring out other valid arguments but considering you are so adamant on things without trying to see on another perspective I can’t continue this. It would have been even better if you did understand and tried to counter argument but even after multiple comments, you didn’t. can’t waste anymore energy.

    Reddit doesn’t deserve being the site to go to for “niche info” and “troubleshooting”

    if it doesn’t try creating another place, not destroying the current one. create and moderate communities on lemmy that you are good at. make it grow, grow it big so people end up asking questions here instead of reddit so lemmy will slowly but surely become a place where people will find their answers for niche shit. that’s the ideal way.

    the protest that doesn’t inconvenience anyone

    because all we wanted was to send message instead of trying to just destroy what people built?

    we think alike but one is extremist and another one is pacifist.

  • abandon reddit with all of your data and go somewhere else.

    where exactly you will pass those answers for niche questions? unless someone creates a similar community in lemmy, it gains traction enough and someone asks same question? if that’s the case, good luck for you, bad luck for that person who didn’t make any mistake but wanted to find a fix, spez isnt the one who’s going to be annoyed when you edit your comments, that stranger is going to be. let me know if any guys who edit their comments on reddit make and moderate similar communities here, i will be glad to be a member.

  • When helpful, contributing individuals remove their content from somewhere, it never hurts the big wigs that made the bad choice

    Yes, it only removes a piece of knowledge which could be helpful and save their time fixing bugs or trying out new things for thousands.

    Don’t throw a temper tantrum and delete content, MIGRATE IT.

    Yeah, the proper way is to become a place that can solve your niche questions so that reddit will eventually die. You don’t have to “kill” it by changing your informative comments, help etc.

  • You’re getting downvoted

    Well I don’t care about internet points. Even if one person reads everything, understands what I am trying to say and stop doing that or realises it’s wrong, it’s good for me. Even yesterday I had a problem with postgres and guess where I found a fix for that? not stackoverflow, not their forums, not on “lemmy” but reddit. I don’t use reddit often these days but I gotta give credit where it’s due and I wish lemmy becomes a replacement for reddit when it comes to finding answers for niche questions and not for getting mass downvoted to trying to have a proper argument against mob mentality.