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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • Big numbers first is not the only way to sort - look at say how they sort the speeds of runners in a race.

    If it is “backwards”, it is sorted, in reverse order. If it has an element out of place it is not sorted.

    It’s only when they extend to hh:mm:ss dd/mm/yyyy that it becomes assorted. They need to fully commit and either use tzmm:tzhh+ fff.ss:mm:hh dd/mm/yyyy or just use fucking iso 8601. Fuck everyone who doesn’t; fuck M$, fuck oracle, fuck humans.

  • yeah, I’ve been rohypnolled by both microsoft and oracle, and general cloud shit , and various co workwers so many times now i barely even notice.

    Hilariosly excel has recently started asking now, I think it says something like: “I’ve just fucked up several columns in your csv that you went to the bother of enquoting.” “Do you want me to reload it and i’ll try to un-fuck a few of those columns? ( whispers to audience - but probably not all of them - tee hee).”

    I think my employer just needs to employ 25-50 more “delivery” managers and empower them to spend millions on a prettier barrel for us to bend over, that’ll solve it. Maybe it’ll have flufffy handcuffs.

  • Even if they did use unicode, any codeset , glyph or language changes over time , ulimately they emerge out of communication, not the other way round.

    If some culture decides they want to use the glyph “2” to mean a word “to”, they can and will, and no codeset is going to stop them. And if they get their message to their intended audience it doesnt matter that somebody else’s isnumber fuction get’s it wrong.

    A person, community or standard codeset or dictionary cannot deny the accuracy or content of encrypted communication just because they can’t decipher it.

    Put another way a more robust isnumber() should maybe have a second argument to specify the codeset being used, and maybe whether written words - in some defined languare - are also to be converted

    On the other hand “1/4/12” is not a fucking date.

  • I love programs like freecad despite the really hard/unintuitive gui. 95% of all the modelling i need to do (as an amateur) can be done easily in a python script.

    The finishing touches like adding filets and chamfers are the annoying part were gui is easier, due to the way edges are referenced.

    Likewise at work, we have to produce a lot of regular reports in excel. All done via python / sql.