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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023


  • The original poster was denigrating all pierced women. The person you replied to merely expressed a preference. Semantically I prefer women who don’t have septum or nipple piercings and I’m disappointed so many women have one or the other is the same statement save that it expresses an emotion that the person feels not one he feels THEY should feel. Also its quite possible that more people in his dating pool have this preference than the entire US population because he is liable to encounter and date people in a comparatively small age and culture range on average. I would assume young urban women are more likely to pierce. I think you are more reacting to the negative nature of the parent post rather than the relatively mild statement made by commenter.

  • If you had a preference for dark hair and many dark haired women were going blonde you might be disappointed in a general decrease in women who met your ideal aesthetic. If you aren’t shallow or are shallow but aren’t a beautiful rich Adonis you probably aren’t turning down any dates based on such criteria but mathematically trends which run contra to preference mean a decrease in average fitness according to your own accounting.

    Imagine if a huge portion of men were really into boy bands and mullets. The trend would mean that if you selected men based on other more meaningful criteria like financial stability and emotional maturity that you have an increasing chance of a mullet in your future. As critical mullet mass approaches you may feel disappointed at the popularity of the trend.

  • In many places including Washington state servers are actually paid minimum wage of a bit over $16 an hour. We also have pervasive tip requests. I have gone to a restaurant where ordering and drinks was self serve, the employee makes you a hot sandwich which you take to go and the robot which takes your order requests a default 20% tip.

  • Building on top of wlroots is still a different scope of problem than writing a window manager for X. Pretending its the same thing doesn’t change the fundamentally different architecture even if it certainly makes it easier.

    Out of all the libraries isn’t recent KDE the only fucking one that supports proper scaling of xwayland windows without turning it into a blurry mess? KDE which nice as it is lacks most of the nice tiling features of i3wm or the per monitor workspaces? Let me rip out and throw away a highly functional Nvidia GPU and come on down!

    Don’t worry in another fucking 10 years all problems will be solved in the meanwhile I’ll just be fucking using non-beta software. Pardon me if I’m a little annoyed. Wayland has been the future for a while now.

  • X has a singular fully functional implementation into which you can slot a wide variety of components. Because everything is a component that slots into the singular X implementation forking has both a low benefit and a high cost.

    Wayland is just a protocol everyone must implement with a semi useless reference implementation that nobody would ever use. Nobody forks Wayland they just implement it as they must the X approach isn’t available.

    It’s apples to oranges. A meaningless comparison. Its more just churn than innovation on the part of desktops.

  • Nvidia appeared fairly buggy as of nvidia 535 and kernel 6.3 with both sway and Plasma 5.27. Notably of all the possible choices for Wayland support ONLY KDE in relatively recent releases supports proper scaling of apps using xwayland which are apt to be a thing for a while now. This is a huge point in KDE’s favor despite loving the idea of an i3 like experience with sway.

    If prior experience bears out plasma 6.0 will be buggy as fuck and 6.2 will be excellent.

    Nouveau has NEVER been a particularly good choice and its primary developer just resigned https://www.phoronix.com/news/Nouveau-Maintainer-Resigns I wouldn’t pin my hopes on it in the future becoming usable. I sure as hell wouldn’t say its a useful choice NOW because you suppose it may become so in the future. I’d rather look at nvidias official open source effort.

    If I had a crystal ball to look in I bet it would say a lot of folks with existing Nvidia hardware are best off sticking with X11 in 2023 but looking again at KDE’s wayland session in 2024.

    Although do bear in mind people using stable distros like Ubuntu/Mint/Debian will be a lot longer seeing new useful features pushed out.