you won’t be able to afford deez stonks
you won’t be able to afford deez stonks
I’m buying Reddit when it’s traded
You can either subscribe to silence or have intermittent silence supported by ads. You have the freedom to choose.
if they have minimal capacity for installing/configuring/using software, then sending a USB drive via the postal service should be a strong contender
I don’t understand, why what my lemmy?
looks like this and runs NetBSD
npftables blocks all incoming except a particular set of ips. any connections from those ips hit pubkey authentication.
I’ve never had a problem
you’re right and sane firewall rules could prevent this type of attack
If you’re just accessing one device, why not use SSH?
SSH with pubkey authentication and sane firewall rules is very secure. Bonus points for fail2ban
this is how we do out here in the heartland
i use namecheap’s dynamic dns with a curl cronjob
haven’t had a problem since setup 7 years ago
you can find me on Port 70
bsd fam
You’re advocating for running private services on the default ports?
I have a server exposed to the wan. some ideas:
have fun!
haha, the Real trades at 5/USD. you’re going to need to chop down or burn some more rainforest or something to come up with the coin