as i understand it, the money goes to the foundation, and it’s the corporation that develops the browser. so it’s probably not strictly forbidden, but it does imply that the money is not for browser development.
as i understand it, the money goes to the foundation, and it’s the corporation that develops the browser. so it’s probably not strictly forbidden, but it does imply that the money is not for browser development.
mozilla takes donations, but they don’t fund Firefox development with that money. that’s usually what people have against it.
i’ve seen something like this before, where the kernel holds the file handle open for the process so that it thinks the file is still there. i think it’s related to how the program closes the file but i don’t remember the details. restarting qbittorent will most likely fix it.
it’s better to just not. just let them do their thing, and you and i can continue sending actually legible communication.
One conclusion the draw from that is that the problem seems to be inherent to the concept of llms. they are fuzzy by nature.
unfortunately most llms are pretty terrible at summarizing too
jellyfin is a streaming server. get yourself a domain name and you can connect your apps to it from anywhere.
it’s less about the details and more about the entirety of the experience for me.
i harp on it a lot, but Outer Wilds helps me a lot. It teaches the value of exploration, curiosity, friendship, compassion, and patience. it’s a deeply melancholic piece, which can be frustrating and obtuse at times, but just remembering it makes me happy. the soundtrack brings all the memories back every time.
that’s what the robot arm with the suction cup on it is for
the catholic church exists in the cars universe, which means car jesus was chevy cruzified 2000 years ago.
don’t use balenaetcher, it’s a terrible piece of software. use unetbootin or usbimager.
put it in the toilet, then sit down
i really wish quote tweets (xeets? skeets? yeets?) would put the original post above the response…
the point of goat simulator was that it was a three-week goof project the Sanctum devs had fun with to celebrate good sales before they got to work on the sequel.
then it funded the development of Satisfactory.
i’m glad you found it useful, best of luck :)
this is more focused for sure, but it lacks the enthusiasm of the original. if i was trying to do this for work, i would appreciate how quickly it gets to the point. however, it no longer reads like this is something you’re interested in. it reads a bit wooden. i get that would happen after you’ve been told to correct your style though.
to be clear, the original article doesn’t need to be rewritten. for the future though, when you want to tell the story of how you got something working, include your reasons for doing something a certain way. if you need a self-inflicted complication, that’s not really a part of it (unless it’s funny)
your writing overall is good! it’s just a matter of information priority.
here’s a tip, dunno how applicable it is but i use it when writing technical documentation:
for each step, explain to yourself why you’re doing it the way you are. if it turns out you caused the step to be needed, rather than it being required, you probably need to rethink, or at least add the explanation to the text.
it would of course be called the “Lilltåkvarn”. pinkie toe grinder.
i can chime in with some actual experience!
my current problems with KDE are
and what’s fun about this is, the issues are so intermittent and random that i never know what i’m going to get on a given day!