OMFG can they not learn anything?
OMFG can they not learn anything?
Name checks out
Oh yeah. Had exactly the same experience. Thought I was doing OK for a while but came to realise that there are some things that are white hard to do in that game with mouse and kb
With auto aim off?
Took me the longest time to get used to controllers as well. I’m pleased that o know how to use both though. Each scheme is the best at something
My problem with Rust is that I find refactoring really painful.
I really like Python. The only thing I don’t want to do with Python is support a large code base. Lack of strict typing makes refactoring awful
People have eaten meat for thousands of years. That’s been a matter of survival, not entertainment. But my comment was about people taking joy in killing, which is what the meme is about, not taking joy in eating,. I appreciate your zeal but I’d prefer you to not ascribe to me arguments I didn’t make
Oh I fully agree that not eating meat is the better alternative. I just thing the meme was stupid. There’s plenty of valid reasons to promote eating less meat without making up strawmen
I have. I note several responses from people in the thread who have.
What’s your problem with that? I’m not into it myself but I can’t see how it’s any different from eating meat in the first place
We need to eat. We don’t need tol take joy in aninal deaths. These are different things and the meme is dumb.
Don’t apologise. Totally my fault - I was being a dick. I’ve been on the other side of this kind of interaction with someone doubling down after being called out on being a jerk. I should do better. Thanks for your response
Sometimes you make a comment about something that seems interesting and then realise you’ve wandered into a enclypoedia convention and have bitten off more than you have the head space to deal with. I probably should have said that instead of what I did say. My apologies
Thank for your instruction, Internet rando
Good points but my question is more about governments that work at the scale of a nation state.
I’ve read Marx and I’m happy with my interpretation
I’d say that Marxism at least is fatally flawed. The idea that you start a Communist society by gathering all power to a central council is the issue. Once power is obtained it’s never willingly dispersed. This has been the fate of existing all communist governments
I’ve used GIMP for decades and it’s never crashed on me. Krita and Inkscape are also great imo. I’ve used photoshop. It’s fine. I really think issues with the UI are mostly just an issue of what you’re used to. I see exactly the same thing with people switching to Blender or Vi uses trying to use any otherr editor in the world