it definitely is her tho
I mean, she’s also pretty famous for acting
Mods please do this
insert dick pic album cover here
My source was the fact that literally everyone knows it is true? There’s no denying it
I doubt many of the employees making these decisions are even Redditors
I was permabanned from a lefty sub for saying that Russia interfered in other country’s elections. I replied to the ban with a source. After a stupid reply from a mod and a stupid comeback on my part, I was permabanned. Why? Propagating US government propaganda.
Melatonin doesn’t make you tired. It can impact how your body regulates itself but in and of itself it isn’t a sedative.
That article makes it sound like the plan to avoid taxes had ended (or was ending at that point). Here’s a slightly newer source:
Sounds like they did end up paying back at least some of what they owed
I’m inclined to believe it’s honest. Someone probably read the first article then decided to google IKEA.
They do sketchy stuff by registering the parent company as a non-profit though, don’t they?
Edit: can’t find a good source but it sounds like the tax evasion may have (at least partially) ended
Melatonin is probably one of the most misunderstood and misused supplements out there
Edit: to clarify, I mean prescription stuff. But whatever floats your boat
Ig I just assumed you were younger. Regardless, appearance is 50% something you can actually control. Just learn to dress well and how to hold a conversation
Fun fact: just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Also, I know hookup culture has changed a lot in the decade and a half since I was your age but it’s still possible to have sex at not be in a relationship
Chad metalhead
Black Album
Pick one
You also have to make sure you swallow it, as this can help cleanse your esophagus
It’s actually a brick of drugs, not a brick for building. You just get them to blow a line
Or, y’know, that Iran (along with a couple others, like Syria) is a primary funder of Hezbollah. Could also be that