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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • I’m still sour a decade later over some customer interactions. One of the most notable was during my time as a barista. It was a busy weekend and quite loud in the shop with a line out the door. The line was to the left of the register and it’s important to know I only have about 50 percent hearing out of my left ear so most people are on my “bad side.”

    Now this isn’t a big deal, since if I’m looking at you I hear just fine or if it’s quiet I can pick up on sounds from that side no problem. In a loud busy cafe, it’s pretty bad. So I go to help the next customer and say “hi how can I help you today” or something. The Karen replies that “I was very rude to her, she said hi earlier and I didn’t reply.”

    She was a regular and I recognized her but we didn’t have a rapport or anything but I would have definitely greeted her had I heard. I apologized and explained I’m pretty deaf in my left ear and just didn’t hear her. Story should have ended there but she goes ballistic and starts calling me a liar and that I made it up. Luckily a more friendly regular was also in line and backed me up.

    Still pisses me off. Everyone should work a service job just to learn how to treat people.

  • Same. I still have Solus on my old laptop but I mostly only use that when I travel. Its the same install I’ve been using since 2018 with no issues. I did not install on my new laptop because hardware wasn’t supported on available install image and it seemed like Solus was on its last legs and not worth jumping through hoops for.

  • I call BS. It’s been apparent for years Elon is an ass clown. I never liked him because I don’t like billionaires, but it was when he called the driver who rescued those kids stuck in a cave a pedophile just because he didn’t get to use his submersible he had space x build. That was 2018. I’m sure there were red flags before that but that was when I lost respect for anyone who likes him.