Accidentally on purpose
Accidentally on purpose
Aren’t those locked with actual keys
Aren’t those locked with actual keys?
Gonna recommend this to some friends, ty
You know cell phones aren’t actually attached to the hand right? They can be left anywhere, like in another room.
Nice bell pepper work
That guy’s been drinking the Brawndo
You might want to get that checked
The pink one
RIP. This is a waterboy reference y’all, calm down
This made me think of all those horrible DIY resin crafts where people use food. Surprising that a fellow lemming hasn’t made some sort of spilled bean resin necklace or something
Ty gonna do just that
Edit: fuck yes new top tier band discovered, thank you
Gojira was one of my favorite concerts
MyRadar on Android?
What about the nevernudes??
I text myself, because I (almost) always know where my phone is