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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Why would I give them a vote of confidence with my money so that they can use it to convince investors that they’re popular and they should pony up a billion dollars for Spez’s pay?

    They’re relying on gullible people who think either Reddit is legitimately a good investment or gullible people who think they can beat the market and won’t be left holding the bag. I’m nobody’s bag holder, let alone Spez’s.

    if I can quickly make a couple of bucks and then cash out, that might be worth it.

    Said every gambler ever.

  • Blocking modal windows are a sin and make me less likely to interact with a site. Imgur is also guilty. No, I don’t want to participate in your community meme event when I’m just trying to look at an image on the app that is clogging up my RAM because you think it does something important and interesting enough to warrant deeplinking it in an electron wrapper.

    Also, while I’m here, fuck modal windows with no X to close button which forces you to read the buttons to figure out which one is the “fuck off” button and not the “take all my money” button.

  • Is there something about the word “porn” that actually communicates “really pretty pictures of something but without any human creations” beyond its Reddit meme usage? Because it doesn’t for most people.

    Also, not all community rules and objectives need to be in the name and URL. The word “porn” in URLs is problematic for users sitting behind state or corporate internet connection though. Be kind to your local network administrators!

  • He bought it because he couldn’t stop being an arrogant edgelord keyboard shit-talker, and he accidentally made himself personally legally liable doing so. The Twitter board called his bluff, seeing the most amazing opportunity to rid themselves of an expensive and slowly dying company, and Musk had already pissed off the SEC (or one of the other financial government services) enough that he was at risk of having his finances in other companies audited.

    So he was forced to buy it because he’s an impulsive troll. Everything else since then is pretty incidental, and unsurprisingly dripping with hypocrisy like this.

  • My last cat was food-obsessed. I would do the "show, sniff, remove" thing and it would work depending on the food. But many foods only needed a fraction of a second for her to know she needed it in her mouth right now. If you took it before her attempt to eat it, you met the response of "hey, I wasn't done with that!" and the paw would come out to bring your hand back.

    For roast chicken you would have to actively defend your plate the entire meal. She would sit next to you and very slowly try to "sneak" her paw on to your plate to take what she could. As though I wasn't watching her like a hawk and she had some kind of cloak of invisibility.

    I miss my round dinner thief.

  • Excellent, thankyou! I was just going to throw ubuntu at it unless I really needed something else because of the potato specs, so hopefully drivers are already sorted.

    especially the WiFi/Bluetooth chipset

    Noted. I would be pissed to not have that working.

    Don’t try anything fancy

    No chance, I've been burnt by my unix arrogance enough times to not want to try it on proprietary hardware. Until now I assumed even getting Linux on there was too fancy, I still remember other people fighting for weeks with their hackintosh a decade ago.

  • Medication has opened up a whole new world to me, I wish I had known decades prior. It has also given me a better understanding of my body and the way it works, and very importantly: what I need to watch out for. It also made a bunch of old life experiences make sense for the first time.

    ADHD is one of the few neuro conditions they have found reliable and useful medication for, with very few negatives, including my favourite: no withdrawals. I think it’s worth exploring, even if you decide you’re fine the way you are afterwards with no intervention.

    Good luck, it is a trip!

  • I understand completely, and you’re right to question it. The answer is that a lot of these behaviours are pretty normal, and it is very possible to identify with some of the memes even if you don’t have ADHD. It’s when they just keep resonating with you on a really fundamental level, across your entire lifetime, that you should maybe be suspicious. ADHD has a genetic component too, so it might help think about your parents’ behaviours and if they also match.

    My psych had me complete this self assessment quiz (ASRS v1.1) before my first appointment for evaluation. It might help you too: https://psychology-tools.com/test/adult-adhd-self-report-scale