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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • This would work but assumes the primary use of the machine is Windows and derates your performance under Linux significantly due to USB speeds. Even if you’re storing your data on the Windows HDD, NTFS drivers are dog slow compared to EXT4 and other *nix filesystems.

    Also some BIOSes are a pain to get to boot off removable drives reliably so it really depends on what your machine is.

    I’ve used Linux as a primary dev system for well over a decade now, and with the current state of Windows I’d really recommend just taking the leap, keep your Windows box if you need Windows software and build a dedicated Linux workstation.

  • No I’m serious, I’m here in SK and we’re trying to push Moe and his cronies out for the NDP this fall, and our biggest problem is the federal NDP damaging the brand by backing Trudeau. All we say all day is “The SK NDP is not affiliated with the federal party, we stand for working Canadians, vote Moe out”

    If you think $500 for low income and seniors is anything other than a bone thrown to pacify the poor then Singh has pulled the wool over your eyes.

    The requirement for “no access to insurance” absolutely torpedoes the entire thing. Private insurers need to fall, universal coverage is the only way. Dental is the Canadian equivalent to the entire USA health insurance racket.

    Congrats on living in the one green riding, which does give you some power over your single seat party… Which ultimately holds no power at all in our broken system.

    I’m sorry to say I voted Trudeau on the promise of electoral reform, which he then told us we didn’t want. I’m in a safe blue riding which means my vote is pointless, so I’m going full protest vote next time for the PPC 🤣 Max is laughable, especially his obsession with dairy supply management, but enough votes for “burn it down” will hopefully send a message.

  • Trudeau over Biden?

    Trudeau is importing the world’s problems in the name of propping up the real estate investor class (of which he is a member) and pumping up fake GDP numbers. GDP per capita is plummeting in Canada with excess immigration.

    Singh is in his pocket, a waste of a vote. I was an NDP voter all my life, I’m done.

    Polliviere is an absolute idiot who will ride a wave of hatred for Trudeau into office.

    Voters in Canada have no power and no representation as all votes are whipped. Your MP is a seat filler. We have no ballot initiatives or direct democracy options that America has, and reform will never come.

    Biden listens to people who know what they’re doing and stands out of the way… Passed legislation supporting workers and unions, energy infrastructure etc. meaning he’s both more left than Singh and more business-friendly than PP

  • America needs some perspective. You complain that your only choices are a doddering fool or a toxic narcissist who wants to actively destroy the nation.

    Here in Canada we look at our options and think “America is so much better, I wish we had an option to vote for a doddering fool. All we have are narcissists”

    No joke I wish we had a leader as good as Biden. The bar is so low that the devil is doing the limbo with it down in Hell.

  • Only if I’m truly in the middle of something that’s time or focus critical. Otherwise I’m always glad to hear from my friends.

    I have a FWB who I text with 99% of the time but awhile ago she texts “Can I call you? I really need someone to talk to.” Of course! It was a joy to talk to her, she lives in the city, I’m out on the farm. Told her she should call more often.

    Like the other comment I despise voicemails though. If I don’t pick up, text me. That’s even my voicemail message now… And still people leave voicemails 🤬

  • Here in Canada “chew” refers almost exclusively to snuff (which is what you guys call dip. Real snuff is called “sniffing snuff” and is super rare lol)

    If you want a real chew it’s just called Red Man or “Red Man style” and it pretty much has to be smuggled from the US. The market is almost entirely dominated here by Copenhagen.

    I’ve been away from nicotine for years but on the rare chance that someone offers me a chew of Red Man I’ll go for it. That stuff is pretty good

  • evranch@lemmy.catoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldGermans: what genocide?
    5 months ago

    I don’t get this WW3 talk that seems to only be here on Lemmy. Like, does anyone actually expect any countries with significant global influence to line up behind Hamas?

    The closest I can think of is Iran, and they’re a regional power at best, and they prefer to work behind the scenes.

    No, this will be a nasty little “tempest in a teacup” as always, with lots of onlookers wagging fingers but doing nothing. This is what all neighbouring nations are already doing - in fact they love the fact that Israel’s disproportionate response is damaging their reputation. They’re more than happy to stand by and watch, as they’re the ones who set Gaza up as a punching bag in the first place.

    Ukraine is far more likely to evolve into a global conflict, especially with Ukraine’s position weakening and Poland chomping at the bit to jump in.

  • Fungus can consume nearly anything organic, but it has to be damp. Even “dry rot” is only dry when you see it, it was once wet for the mycelium to spread through it.

    I grew up in a wet climate where we feared mold and fungus, now I live in a dry one where we run humidifiers. You won’t ever see mildew or black mold here without a constant moisture source.