Person behind Arctius for lemmy :) My other account:

I like cats and chickens.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Pretty sure it’s crazy expensive on a large scale, I don’t think that people will pay monthly fee to keep playing apex/val/insert game. And more than sure these companies will try to force players to pay for it :/ Previously I had a small chat with aimlabs devs about application of neural networks for it (detecting weird patterns and irregularities, that what NNs are good at as well) but as I understood it would be expensive as well since obviously you want to run the model on your backend’s side… It’s and endless war between both sides without silver bullet ATM and I don’t really understand why people are so mad about my comment lol

  • Always confused when I see memes like this

    You learn js, then you learn a bit about ts and pick react/vue if you want to do frontend or nodejs if you’re into backend. Then you do something basic, like a barebones twitter clone, weather app, etc. By the point when you’re 80% done, you will know most important parts of the ecosystem naturally

    After that, learning all the supporting libraries/frameworks is super simple since next is just superset around react, same for nuxt. Solid, svelte, fresh etc are just different flavors of react. Even vue is looking like react this days with composition api, simply because they nailed the simplicity and dev comfort. Average dev will never face weird js/ts parts or confusing libraries because most of their day to day job will be moving buttons and looking how to persist user basket in browser storage…

    Sure there are a lot of libraries and ways to do stuff, but 90% of them are irrelevant, only-for-hobby or simply dead and unused since 2010. Knowing ts+(react|vue)+(vuex|redux-tk|mobx)+(styled|tailwind) will land someone a basic job where they can progress and expand their knowledge lol