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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Mooby gives good advice! I tried out different distros in vm’s for 6 months after which I found myself very familiar and living in one more than my base os. At that point I nuked macos and installed Kubuntu no regrets. Kubuntu is a great start due to the popular Ubuntu base. Kinoite would be a good choice for its immutability. If set on Opensuse then choose Gecko as a more friendly way to install it.

  • What? How the f do you transition from ‘not only’ to ‘isn’t necessary’? That is not logic - that is mental gymnastics with a triple back flip! Profit is the PRIMARY motivator! People wish to move away from discomfort more than anything else. Currency is the best way of alleviating discomfort!

  • Linux and open source in general completely blow apart capitalist arguments that profit motive

    Wrong! Linux and open source only shows that the profit motive is not the only motive. One should broaden the definition of profit to encompass value in all its forms. ie A person can gain value from the satisfaction of DIY as it can be self-empowering. One can gain emotional value from sharing. It also invokes the law of reciprocation - value exchange but without a $ sign. The Open source ecosystem is also heavily funded by business who relies on open source components. It is a capital investment.

  • Re: your link Some libertarians are practical. If governments have changed the playing field, widened the posts for example, you do not only aim at the original legitimate space. You are at a disadvantage and will loose. You adjust to the game and try to change it. So, allegedly, FEE took money from big businesses. So what? This is not an endorsement of the CORPORATION! If they took tax extorted it would be a red flag. Freedman - guilty of what? Removing rent controls! Manipulation, coercion of a market! nb Libertarians follow Austrian economics BTW.

  • Nice story, but Libertarians want liberty - huh! Liberty is the absence of coercion. Corporations are a forced manipulation, intrusion & coercion upon a free market. They have government granted limited liability, send lobbyists to manipulate rules in their favour and create regulatory capture to lock out smaller competitors. Competition is part of a free market - which libertarians want! Facts! Libertarianism was the original American ideal known as Liberalism, now Classical Liberalism. In the modern era you are better off referencing Rothbard than Freedman.