Activated when the people get’s too aware of the exploitation and begins fighting back
Activated when the people get’s too aware of the exploitation and begins fighting back
Oh my! Haha all these modern languages poisoned my memory
Wait does it teach ai programming in BASIC?
10 dim prompt
20 input(prompt)
30 pring "Nice to meet you"+prompt
40 play g3 c4 e4
50 goto 20
Ok, but now who would bring back the Aztec empire?
Is lemmy an exception to the rule?
Coincidentaly :/ is the symbol for “a bit sad”
Because they don’t have money
Wow deep fakes today are so realistic!
Like music to my ear!
Can you summarize?
Plus what?!
Dear colleagues,
I hope this email finds you well. As per my last email I’m delighted to inform you that last year’s farter, who had proven himself of a great value and an asset, will be joining our team.
I expect nothing but the highest standards for the king’s farting festival. He was most generous for giving us the opportunity to travel his land, we are grateful for his generousity and thus don’t want to fuck it up.
Best regards, Xero
As a protest eaasure it has a lot of value. Far more than blacking a subreddit for 2 days.
Relevant user name 😂
It figures you’d say it, it’s probably your algorithm trying to mess up with my mind!
You’ve just described most people…
… In a capitalist society.
I mean, the amazon forst has no value at all, but when you cut it, it’s magically valuable
Woah there! I didn’t expect it