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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • It’s one thing to speak from your heart and foster dialog so that different people can share their different POV. However, I’m someone who is on these forums to spend a little time learning about new ideas and issues without it becoming a heated, involved debate. These “free speech platforms” seem to inevitably devolve into arguments. I’m not LGBTQ+ but a lot of arguments and tense, heated conversations seem to be centered around that lately, with reaching a middle ground impossible. (especially since on side wants the other to not exist or have any rights at all). (ETA: To be clear, a lot of free speech proponents just want to be able to say racial or otherwise bigoted slurs without any repercussions. ) I don’t want to hear other people arguing on my limited online time… I just want a pleasant, educational, respectful experience, which is what I get on kbin, Lemmy, and Tildes. I know that some people love debating and winning arguments but I am not here to change minds or win on the Internet. If someone loves debating and dominating a conversation, more power to them, but I seek out chill, mellow online spaces. Real life is stressful enough. Can you understand why I might want to avoid an advertised free speech space?

  • Same. I signed up to Squabbles but any time I visited, which wasn’t often, people seemed to be in the middle of a fight or dealing with the aftermath of trolls. They changed their name and URL and I stayed and at first it seemed fine, but the last time I checked the dev announced it was now suddenly a “free speech platform”; protections for LGBTQ+ people were removed from the TOS; and that all content created by users now belonged to the site to do with as it wished. So I deleted my comments (not many made so that was easy) and account and created one at Discuit. So I give Discuit a few months before that implodes, lol.

    I am very grateful for kbin and Lemmy.

  • I just went to Reddit.com. It looks like it’s up but all of the posts on the main page are from 9 hrs ago or older (I didn’t scroll very far to see if there were newer ones).

    I went to the search and looked up Redditalternatives. I got two error messages - “We had a server error…” and “Request failed.” But the sub appeared behind the error pop ups. I see sub posts from 2 and 4 hrs ago.

    Does this mean that Reddit is down? I don’t want to engage too much with the site to find out.