Prethoryn Overmind


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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Prethoryn Overmind@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldstop
    13 days ago

    I love chicken, pork, and beef. I have tried the meat alternatives and I like most of what I have tried. I would be vegetarian if it honestly wasn’t so expensive sometimes. Not to say meat isn’t also expensive.

    I work with a guy who is a vegan and honestly. I don’t get the hate towards the life style. Guy is as healthy as they get and morally more sound in the area of food than I am.

    What am I missing on Vegan hate or even vegetarian hate. No one imposes on me. Honestly, I feel like they have something figured out I dont.

  • Prethoryn Overmind@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlits even more outdated
    1 year ago

    Isn’t Telegram Russian owned as well?

    Lol, god Lemmy is so different than Reddit.

    Asks a question, gets down voted. only two comments from users who bothered to educate. Lemmy really just a community full of knowledge gate keepers that think they are better than Reddit users. Reddit users would have at least provided and article or some knowledge.

    After doing some digging Wikki does say that it owned by two Russian brothers. One who sold a social media platform of his after a Russian infiltration and Russian government pressure for him to do so.

    I think I will just keep using Signal.

    I think I am about done with Lemmy. I have seen post after post of smug users with shitty ways of thinking like that killing more people is going to solve the world’s problems. Or that one platform is the only way to be. Or that they more about privacy and security than anyone else.

    Lemmy users are just as shitty as the rest of the Internet in their own ways.

  • It’s all good. I get that the confusing part is really when you save something locally versus saving it in a browser. Like if I am working on a document it will save it in document but I will go to save something on the web and it will put it in Downloads but I will go looking for it in Documents.

    I have tried to get better at that by basically just double checking each time.

  • Thank you, it’s so weird to me that Lemmy users who were here before the reddit migration can’t just admit products do certain things better than others and vice versa its not defending or justifying Google irs being rational and seeing a bigger picture. Google is the ass hole no matter what but you can’t just say, “Firefox is perfect why are they using Chrome. When Firefox isn’t perfect but it is way better since time has come along.”

  • It doesn’t matter what finger you point where and that is my issue with Lemmy. You can support what you want but the truth is the average user that you want to use Firefox needs a web browser that is supported and works and the truth is average companies used like Adobe don’t use it or support it. I never said Firefox was the issue I said, it’s not surprising that people keep using Chrome.

    Feel how you want but it comes to things just being available Chrome has that edge. I also don’t use Firefox to pretend not to use Chrome and that is the funny thing about the average Lemmy user. I use both because both have different benefits. If want to block ads and keep my privacy intact I use Firefox which is why none of my Google life is a part of Firefox. I use Proton and DuckDuckGo when using Firefox and pay for Blokada 6 for VPN usage on my OS and DNS over HTTPS when I use Firefox.

    Believe it or not you can use both and remain rational and objective towards what one product does better than the other. It’s okay though. Don’t get me wrong some of us can be surprised that a product is popular. Some of us choose to understand where the value is in average consumer use case. You are als free to do whatever you want though.

    Lemmy is full of users like that I keep saying make these statements, “why doesn’t the average user care about their privacy?” Or, “why does the average user still keep using Google or Facebook?” Because the average user can just find those the average user is lazy. They use what everyone is using. However, if web could have a normal discussion you would be surprised to maybe see that isn’t always the case. The product has to change and piss people off. Hence Reddit, Twitter, etc.

    If you want the average user to move from Chrome to Firefox it is going to take Lemmy users not being smug and subtly saying, “why are they idiots that keep supporting bit companies that are against them.” And that is the vibe those questions give off and in return it makes things feel more inclusive and less welcoming. Instead of being “surprised” maybe you should be open to just educating a user or just ask them, “why do you use Chrome over FF?”

    The issue I keep seeing is that it is the users problem but I think it is a bit of both the user and the big company. There should be an expectation of privacy but a doctor isn’t worried about a Googpe search being private a doctor is concerned with a search being accurate or available. Take DuckDuckGo for example.

    The average user isn’t worried about an open source product they have to compile on a Linux OS that they have to install to get away from Windows so they can use an open source version of photo editing products on Firefox. The average user is just going to use what is there and what is popular. Let’s imagine for a second I am an Adobe software user and I go to download Adobe on Firefox and it just doesn’t work. As a user I am going to get annoyed and sure enough I will be right back on Chrome or Edge. That isn’t the users fault or FF’s fault. It is Adobes but that pointing finger is irrelevant to the user because they want a product that gives them no hassle.

  • I guess guys don’t see half the Lemmy posts I do with users complaining they can’t download a piece of software like Adobe because Adobe tells them Firefox isn’t supported.

    I love how Lemmy users live in this small logical fallacy bubble of, “well I don’t have it happen to me so therefore you must be the outlier instead.”

  • Lemmy is great but the majority of you guys have a, r/notlikeothergirls vibe.

    Like you know something about the world and by saying, “I am not mainstream I am alternative,” you are making yourselves inclusive in some way. You don’t know anything the rest of the world doesn’t already have some idea about. Some sort of secret knowledge. I think my favorite thing I have seen on here is people thinking they are private and secure on the Fediverse. Despite the fact you are on a self hosted instance of someone’s hardware and handing your privacy and security to someone random or an entity at random.

    Being inclusive is not how you educate people. It’s how you isolate your knowledge and make people think you are a jerk.

  • Sorry for the lengthy TL;DR you are not secure by default or more secure by default either way. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. There is an article below. I don’t like to really argue but have educational discussions. Arguments don’t really help anything. Hopefully, this is helpful as the wall of text comes off like a rant but it isn’t. However, interpret it as you will. Have a nice evening.

    The real point is that security is tricky being open doesn’t always mean you are more secure or for that matter any more private.

    “bad actors will get a hold of your code anyway.”

    This is the equivalent argument of, “we should just make guns free and available to everyone because if a criminal wants a gun they will just buy one.”

    There is some truth in your argument that is undeniable and anyone who attempts to deny that is a fool. That isn’t my point however. The point is that closing something doesn’t also mean it is less secure because prying eyes have seen it. Close sourcing content can also mean less prying eyes while it is true more people see open source it means your code is also more vulnerable to an attack.

    Android and iOS are proof that close sourced and open source content both have their benefits and cons. I am an Android guy all the way but it is true that there tends to be less malware on iOS than Android. At least that is how it seems.

    It is true that bad actors are going to act badly but what is even more true is there are proper ways both open and close source platforms can exist securely. While I love Android and Apple may not be the best analogy because they have tons of devs and lots of money and we are comparing them to 1 dev and small amounts of money.

    Just because something is closed source doesn’t mean it’s a problem or less secure if anything close sourced and discovering a problem can make it more secure because that product actively gets better or more secure when the problem does become apparent. The issue is how the problem appears.

    Open source appears more secure because more eyes can see it and that means a vulnerability can be spotted before it occurs but that also means more prying eyes could also take advantage of that vulnerability before it is caught and that does and has happened.

    The theme I see on Lemmy is that anything not open source is something to be afraid of but that is not always the case.

    Because I like to educate and not argue here is an article worth reading. The issue is that open source can begin to get too hard to follow if not everyone knows what they are looking at.

    Open Source Security