What do you mean “too easy to piss off a German”, do you want trouble? I’ll give you some you lousy … samba dancer.
What do you mean “too easy to piss off a German”, do you want trouble? I’ll give you some you lousy … samba dancer.
Have you ever fenced against a spear?
To understand the reef, you have to become one with the reef.
Finally, the Apache attack helicopter-joke makes sense. U.S. conservative commenters can now rest in peace.
It’s going to be very hard having the same opinion for all of these (somewhat abstract) instances - considering how wildly incompatible some of these are.
EDIT: Also, wrong (but arguably original) use of template.
Trust me bro(ette): Rubber duck is the SHIT. I don’t even program save for a few rare instances, but any complex issue where you just know something is wrong but can’t quite put your finger on it? It works miracles. A lot better tbf if you are actually explaining it to someone who can ask questions, but any object that you can look at is a good substitute.
“Your mistle toe is no match for my TOW Missile!”