Draw me like one of your French poodles.
“He’s just zis guy, you know?”
Draw me like one of your French poodles.
I mean, you could be bi/pan, poly, and have both a wife and a boyfriend. That would still be “not gay”.
Calling someone the “late” whatever generally means they are dead. Did you mean your ex wife?
Edit: Nevermind, actually read the last line. I hate you.
Evolution at it again.
I love human activities, such as consuming food
and medical debt
Ah, an old fashioned forced meme.
The royal game of Ur was “unearthed” about 100 years ago. That website is pretty slow on the uptake.
Random interesting thing:
Birds also need sunlight to synthesize vitamin D, but their skin is blocked by their feathers. So the chemical precursors to vitamin D are in their “preening oil”, a substance they secrete from a gland and rub on their feathers with their beak, an activity called preening. The sunlight hits it and forms the vitamin D, and they end up swallowing enough of it the next time they preen. The preening oil also contributes to the feather’s waterproofing and keeps them flexible.
My spirit animal.
Is this a video game specific phenomenon? Just an example, how many of an American “Top 100 Greatest Movies of All Time” are from India?
Not really. Not good bad either, just sort of bland and mediocre. The movie is not as interesting as its premise.
It does have Christopher Walken in it though.
That reminds me of an extremely strange part of a movie, Brainstorm from 1983. The movie is about a device that attaches like an EEG and records (on tape!) all the sensory input the person is having, and can be played back for someone else to experience. One guy who’s kind of a jerk records himself having sex then cuts out a loop of tape with just when he came. He is found by the other characters playing it back, having had something like an 8 hour long orgasm. Bizarrely, afterwards he was much nicer and wiser. This is how I remember it anyway. I might have to watch it again.
TL;DR A guy reaches enlightenment from sci-fi VR porn.
I did a sleep study once. Right before they had me go to sleep they said something like “Okay, we’re going to turn off our monitoring and cameras, in case there"s anything you need to do. Just press this button to call us when you’re ready.”
I appreciated it, but I was still too weird a situation to jerk off.
Lots of good suggestions already, but what first came to my mind is Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. I’m not even into Final Fantasy and have only played a few tactical RPGs, but I fell into FFTA hard when it came out. The battle system was fun, with a little twist that there’s random laws you have to follow each fight (e.g. no attacking with staves) that can get a character arrested and taken out of the action after a warning. Nice music, cute art style, and a pretty good story as I recall.
And yet the DMV wouldn’t let me get “CUMKING” smh
– Signed, the Catholic Church
“Run away! Run away!”
Uh oh.