I saw signs like this all over Japan; I laughed at every one
I saw signs like this all over Japan; I laughed at every one
English is three other languages in a trench coat
There are 8.2 Conans O’Brien in the world right now
What did the camel do to deserve this?
Japan would like a word, but otherwise, fair enough
What? Like the World Series of Baseball?
Because it’s made of people
Who says it’s unauthorized? I set the pressure
Before killing yourself, it’s your responsibility to kill your children
Pretty sure it’s a hip bone X-ray of someone without a spine
Fun fact, this sign wasn’t in Kansas
*char // I heard it from a friend
**char //who heard it from a friend
***char // who heard it from another
"You were messing around"
Consider my jimmies rustled
Yes really, yes
Don’t use jellyfin.server.local
.local is reserved for mdns, which doesn’t support more than one dot. (Though it may still sometimes work).
In any case, to make that work you need either a DNS server on your network or something like duckdns (which supports wildcard entries).
You might be able to get the same hash if you did a backup of the disk in iso format. It doesn’t matter though since you wouldn’t be able to use that format to play anything.
All that to say that these seem to be the wrong tools for what you’re actually trying to do.
Element 0 is the first element of the list