This is the perfect amount of cringe. Well done!
Will try, thanks for the suggestion.
They will also gradually turn away from the platform as the content quality deteriorates. But it’ll be a slow process.
Did we ever get an update from the actual dude?
But Telegram also have access to more info about its users, considering that messages are not end to end encrypted by default, than Signal does of its. This means that Telegram can share any data it wants, its users are just hoping that it won’t. In the case of Signal, they don’t have access to any meaningful data in the first place. Also leaving these here:
Yep! And several EU agencies have set up their own Mastodon instances for the same reason.
Its a reference to how people have been tricking these “AI” models like ChatGPT to do stuff it wouldn’t do when asked straight-forward by making silly scenarios like the one in the meme. And HAL is the name of the AI in 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Yeah, that was a bit odd lol. I assume the last article the artist read before drawing this comic would have been about that, and it was pretty fresh in their memory.
You will find some good options here
Don’t expose me like that please!
Self awareness is a good quality. Keep it up.
I still use them for my TV and AC remotes, flashlights and wall clocks.
I never realised that many people don’t need to use it anymore.