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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • As i understand the current consensus on Spinosaurus:
    • it walked on all fours, not on two legs.
    • it was probably similar to a giant croc as is mouth is design for catching fish.
    • the tail looks like it could be used for swimming, but didn’t have the muscle attachments for croc/gator tail swimming.
    • which is weird because that should put it in an ideal situation to give fantastic skeletons(similar to the duck billed dinosaurs), but we barely have any. Worse is that the most complete skeleton was destroyed by allied bombing in WW2.
    • and all of that raises the question of what the hell was the sail for. Since that doesn’t make sense on an aquatic ambush predator.
    • moreover, the sail wasn’t a one-off, but a feature of half of the spinosaurids, so it was selected for. So it served some useful purpose.

    1. Tea quality really matters. Almost all of the supermarket stuff in ultra fine bags is literally the leftover dust from actual tea making. (Looking at you, Tetley)

    2. Steep time and water temperature. Oversteeping make it bitter, which is unfortunately how most older people grew up serving it. Some teas need 5 minutes at 95C(Rooibos); other need a minute at 80C(most greens)

  • Not a sweet spot.

    Morrowind was amazing because it is a hand built world. Oblivion had the same core error as Starfield: an overreliance on procedural generation.

    For Skyrim they did it right. Just the right amount of procedural generation with enough manual work that things worked out.

    You can’t overlook the modding scene either. Oblivion had a great mod community with a lot of people getting into it and cutting their teeth there. So when Skyrim came out they were experts and made a lot of amazing mods, particularly framework mods.

    But almost all of them are done and gone or corrupted into paid mods(e.g. Elianora, Kinggath(FO4)). So Starfield will never get a good modding scene because the core modding community doesn’t exist now.

  • Nah, Harper and his Reform party spend two decades worming their way into Canadian politics by at first showing their hand in the late 1980s and early 1990s, then learning to hide it and play it slowly. Any time any of their cult played their hand in the 2000s it was always an “outburst” or “temporary error in judgement”.

    They then conned the existing sane conservative party into “merging” with their their smaller party, and through cheating the internal politics of the combined party and pandering to the GOP, got the funds to crush the sane conservatives at the federal level.

    It has nothing to do with social programs. Has everything to do with a decades long plan to push politics rightward into accepting extremism.