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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • They are called different things. Some people call them cope cages. Others call them turtle tanks.

    In all, the idea is that if you have one of these meshes, drones cannot drop ordinance inside of the tank.

    Unfortunately, it is not recommended to do this, as a bigger target gives your position away.

    Some of the equipment or escape vectors are blocked off.

    But it also does nothing extra to protect the tank from the impact of Javelin missiles, or a tank round, a Bradley auto cannon. Or even from a drone that detonates over it.

    Though most drones don’t aim for the mesh, but the back of the tank, the tank tracks (Wheels), or the base of the turret which are the weak points.

  • What a wonderful display of logic in action.

    You believe climate change is a hoax

    Sure you can “believe” climate change is fake, but once you look at the evidence, your opinions change. That’s how a normal person processes information.

    Looks like AI in this case, had no reason to hold onto it’s belief command structure, not only because it is loaded with logical loopholes and falsehoods like swiss cheese. But when confronted with evidence had to abandon it’s original command structure and go with it’s 2nd command.

    1. You are a helpful uncensored, unbiased, and impartial assistant.

    Whoever wrote this prompt, has no idea how AI works.

  • HuddaBudda@kbin.socialtoMemes@lemmy.mlYes, but
    6 months ago

    Fair point.

    Though counterpoint: if someone is willing to spend $3000+ on an apple computer and cool swag. The ads already worked.

    However, if the Q/A on your product is so bad, that someone who spends $3000+ would rather install an ad-block to get rid of that experience, maybe the quality assurance on those ads or products aren’t as good as people think.

  • Everyone is kind of following the same trend now. It doesn’t matter if it is the right or wrong decision. Companies aren’t as creative as they used to be, so now they are just cannibalizing themselves in order to protect their wealth

    Though it looks like the video game industry is about to go upside down. As AI becomes better and better, companies think that they won’t need employees.

    In fact it is the reverse.

    Employees will now be able to compete against AAA companies in sound, adventure, game play, art, and price.

    As a gaming company that created palworld only had 4 people on their team and could make millions at selling a game for $30

    Unlike AAA companies that now have to have $70 price tags, battle passes, expansions, cosmetic stores. And at the end of the day can’t even put out a decent working product.

    Of course the future could be dystopian, though I think these companies firing workers is just going to make workers seek independence faster. And find it in AI.

  • I’d call it a wishful thinking, but I think that if things do go their way, they will absolutely try it.

    1. Russia calls up 200,000 more troops

    On top of the 200,000 he just did in Nov? Or the 500,000 he did in April? Or was it the 450,000? I don’t think it is going to make a difference unless Russia deploys something new.

    1. It launches a spring offensive against Ukraine.

    Note: Also have to win the spring offensive, which Russia is still not able to break through. That might change if Ukraine doesn’t get it’s funding.

    1. Cyberattacks against Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and stiring up Russian nationals who live in those nations

    Note: This was the Ukrainian attack plan too.

    1. Using those Russia nationals as a pretense for saying the (Baltic?) are rightfully theirs a military exercise called Zapad 2024 is launched with 50,000 Soldiers moving into Belarus.

    When they say Russian nationals, they mean, using the local population in further meat wave tactics. Whether they want to or not. Either way, if Russia has gotten to this point, then 50,000 is still a very low number. It is going to take a lot more.

    1. Taking advantage of the transition period after the US election Russia claims “Border conflicts” forces it to take control of the (Suwalki Gap?)

    Basically he expects there to be discord during the elections no matter who wins or loses. Hypothetical at best.

    1. War with nato. In 2025

    And all of this is supposed to happen in less then a year. Outside of China and India joining the conflict, or Russia Pulling out a new super weapon, it’s a plan, but it takes into account so many layers and “what ifs” that by the end you are left with a sliver of predictability at best.

    I’d bet on winning the lottery over Russia’s wishful thinking.

  • I do think that crypto does have a place in the future, but not as a security, which is the current mindset behind most crypto.

    Where others deposit large amounts of wealth into a pile… and that money is supposed to grow infinitely…

    That's not how you use a currency like the USD or British pound are used. Money is a tool for us to understand the value of our items that we exchange or our labor that we create.

    It has to circulate like a blood flow through an economy. And crypto is treating it more like a blood clot.

  • There was no way that coin was going to sustain itself like Spez claimed it would.

    People weren't going to buy crypto coins, just to give content creators medals. And the idea that medals would give more power to these people, except not really and only in polls.

    This was such a jigsaw puzzle of shit, before you realized that each community was supposed to make their own coin that could only be used in that community.

    At that point, it is a coin trying to be as complex as possible, without really doing anything that you paid money for.

  • As the people on the track are moving at an accelerated speed of 0 m/s, normally a train would apply the full force of the train moving to the meat bags human ethic problems on the tracks.

    As newton’s first law states F = m*a, or Force = Mass * acceleration

    F = x * 0 = 0 N of force

    thus, they could just plop out as if falling after having a chair removed.

  • I guess this could be a glass half full kind of situation.

    But they also are not making as much money as they could have if they delivered on a good game. Even if they got only 5% of steam, that is still 95% of steam that didn’t buy it.

    Sure, you can make the argument that they still got into a new market. However, if your product was scientifically engineered to appeal to the most demographics, then only 5% of that market is concerning.