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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldobesity
    1 month ago

    I do agree that if you are obese and have unrelated medical issues the doctors will very much say “you need to lose weight”, and call it done. And that is x10 if you are a woman, for some reason. Yeah, these problems may not be so bad if I was not obese, and they may not have existed is I wasn’t (bulging disks my back, in my case etc.), but the truth is, I am fat, I still need my problems fixed, go ahead and do the surgery to trim the disk that is pinching my nerves to fix my back because otherwise I can’t move and I will just get fatter and my back will just get worse. Perpetually.

    It is just laziness and they have a blanket scapegoat to use to get out of doing their job if you walk in and are overweight.

  • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.worldtoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldobesity
    1 month ago

    It’s quite literally the medical term… i… I am an obese man, I am an obese man mostly of my own doing, their might be some psychological or socioeconomic reasons, but it’s mostly the fact that food is good, exercise sucks, and impulse control. I wasn’t born this way, I wasn’t treated as nonhuman for something beyond my control, and obese is not used for the sole purpose of being derogatory.

    Those two words are very, very different. Even if you are obese because of a thyroid, or injury, or whatever, a doctor can, and will call you obese in your medical reports. And if you can’t handle that because you can’t handle that slight uncomfortability, no wonder you are still obese.

  • Guy_Fieris_Hair@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlIs he though
    4 months ago

    There would be a market for adenosine in prisons if this held up. Usually stops the heart for ~10 seconds when slammed in the IV. We use it to convert supraventricular tachycardia back to a normal sinus rhythm. But there is a few seconds if terror most the time.

  • Annoying maybe, but not on par with the $70 games with micro transactions that make the game pay to win when the games are just rehashed battle Royale games. It’s the same game OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Signing in to a PSN account might be annoying, but my God it is small potatoes with everything else going on these days and it is something beyond the DEVs control. I feel like that perspective is lost. This game is a diamond in a giant pile of turds. The devs have done everything in their control to keep it clean, but some things are beyond their control.

    As far as the people in countries without PSN, if they don’t make it right (either by removing the requirement for them or refunding), then that is bullshit. But I don’t think Arrowhead is out to screw anyone.

  • Crazy, I couldn’t play with any of my PS friends until I linked. Hmmm I guess I am wrong, internet man says so 🤷‍♂️ It is crazy watching the hivemind turn on shit. OH NO! MY DATA MIGHT GET STOLEN! As they type their response on an android phone, or a windows computer. MY PRECIOUS DATA! I couldn’t possibly be competent enough to take even the simplist of measures to seperate it if I am worried, like a ghost email and a one off password. How dare they mildly inconvenience me!. I am going to turn on the ONE game that hasn’t tried to fuck me in the ass like every other game because the internet told me to be mad!

  • Sony published the game. You already need a PSN account for cross play, but it wasn’t required, you just didn’t get crossplay. Now you need it to play. A PSN account is free. I’ve had one for a decade+ and have never even owned a Playstation. Not that big of a deal in my opinion. You will just have to sign in. It is less invasive than a CDPR account for Cyberpunk and Witcher or ubisoft for farcry, or EA for all the others. PSN doesn’t even require an additional piece of software launcher like the rest. You literally sign in, in game, and never think about it again. Not that big of a deal.

  • I guess my initial comment, for me, was the perspective that it is common enough to have this many people openly talking about it in this thread very nonchalant, like that is the norm. There are a thousand reasons not to own a gun, that reason seemed a little specific, then others chimed in that were on the same page. It just surprised me. I am glad you are doing better and I hope you remember how temporary those feelings are if they ever come back.

  • I don’t know if it’s a people who already have issues and have guns are more likely to use the gun instead of other means kind of statistic you have there, but owning a gun does not want to make you want to kill yourself purely by existing. It is a problem that exists regardless of the gun. And people who just… don’t have a gun have a thousand different ways to accomplish the task. You aren’t like, a healthy individual then get a gun and suddenly have … urges.

  • How… do you go about getting diagnoses as an adult? I am 38 years old and relatively well adjusted, I think?. Career, home, family, degrees. But I always just thought I was just, idk, wierd, but I have learned to occasionally point my hyperfixation in a constructive direction. It is always fixated somewhere, getting through school, my job, but whatever I am fixated on, it is the only thing that matters in the whole world. I graduated at the top of my class with a 4.0 and all the awards and accolades possible. I am a high level supervisor at my work, etc. Like, I am doing OK, but other times I will get distracted, and for a month my fixation will be a video game, or my fish tank and my work will suffer. Once I lose interest I would rather put my head through a fucking wall than deal with the details of something I no longer care about. Even if other people depend on me to finish something it is pulling teeth for me to finish it. All it gets is a superficial level of attention. None of the passion. My life is a series of rabbit holes and half finished projects. For me I am fine, but the people around me that get neglected when I am on to something else… if I am focused on my job, it consumes me, every waking second I am either at work, talking about work, working on stuff for work, getting another certification for work, and I am terrified if I try to refocus to try to maintain some sort of work life balance I will lose any reasonable interest in work and everything I have done will be for nothing.

    Writing it out I feel far less “adjusted” than I thought… my wife has pointed it out for years how it actually affects me, (and her, and the kids) more than I realize. Sometimes I get in the threads in this sub and I have a “Oh, shit…” moment where I realize so many of my own patters relate to the comments in here and wonder what life would be like if I actually took care of it. I was diagnosed when I was like 7 but it was never followed through with or treated. IDK. 🤷‍♂️