You know, the Pontiac Aztec doesn’t seem so bad now
You know, the Pontiac Aztec doesn’t seem so bad now
We need an epic orchestral version of Amish Paradise like what you’d hear in a trailer!
Juggalos and juggalettes?
Don’t forget to put the cyber truck in car wash mode first
I loved this skit! Also, it’s clear Heidi Gardner must have not seen them in costume until the live performance. She lost it and that would have happened to me too if I was in her shoes!
The most well-intentioned HOAs can easily go to shit when power-tripping assholes, with all the free time in the world, take them over.
Yeah, I don’t even get mad at them any more. They are hardcore survivors and proliferators, and will have a welcome haven in my lawn to piss off dick neighbors like in the post
At least Menards offers a truck you can rent temporarily to transport your large items home.