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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 7th, 2020


  • I don’t think its that complex. Group A gave permission for Group C to move into Group B’s place. Group C decided to get a bunch of Group N’s support to start the liquidation of Group B.

    Decades of Group B, playing to the “Rules Based Order” crowd resulting in no end to the violence Group C was doing to Group B resulted in Group B being more and more okay with countering violence with armed resistance.

    Here we are.

  • Would removing anonymity from email reduce or remove this threat? If business blocked all uncertified email senders, would this threat be gone?

    So as a goober that keeps getting jobs where my employer mandates that I am assigned an email address from their private email system, is told to “practice cyber security awareness” blah blah blah, and then is immediately spammed by internal emails with a shit ton of links (from people who are strangers to me but actually work for the same employer) from inside the org, I don’t think removing anonymity would eliminate the threat. I’m being habituated into opening, reading, and encouraged to click links from “strangers” by my employer.

    It might make it easier to for an attacker to ID a target though.