Hail Satan.


Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on Kbin.social. May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin’s development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • How does it work when you get paid for deriving from a copyright piece of material in the first place?

    Since the artist was commissioned by Bungie to make the original concept art in question, I believe that Bungie still retains ownership of the copyright, since the work was created under Bungie’s employ.

    That said, it’s not uncommon for these types of commission contracts to stipulate that the artist retains some rights to the works they create. It varies from contract to contract, though. Sometimes they just require that the original artist is credited in any further usage of the piece, sometimes they require the artist earns royalties from any sales of the piece, etc. Or, he could’ve also just taken a fat stack of cash for zero ownership, which isn’t totally unheard of.

  • For me, I was enamored with the simplicity of it. You click Start and the Start menu just appears, without having to spend 10 seconds connecting to the internet to refresh a bunch of tiles that I never wanted in the first place. There wasn’t any half-baked “assistant” trying to suggest new spyware for me to install. It didn’t try making me sign into a Microsoft account just to open the photo gallery. The only “bloatware” it came preinstalled with was Outlook Express. The whole experience just made the computer feel like a tool to use for a purpose again.

    It’s funny, because I remember thinking when Vista and subsequent versions of Windows came out, that it was amazing we ever survived with something as primitive as XP. But these days, all I want is to go back to that.

  • They might as well at this point. Look at the top comments in any of the main subs these days, they’re all LLM posts. Just bots having conversations with each other. Half of them you can tell because the bot author used a very minimal prompt so they’re all formatted like every basic ChatGPT response.

    And those are just from the ones I can recognize from playing around a bunch with GPT. Gotta wonder how many are going completely undetected. The default subs have been absolutely ruined with bots.

  • A lot of it is going to be game-specific, and spending time tweaking the control settings until you find what feels responsive to you.

    The rest of it is going to be technique, and a lot of trial and error to find out what works best for your play style. For instance, I can’t do fast-paced, twitchy movements on a controller (even things that are technically possible to do on a controller; I just don’t have the dexterity anymore), so I have to adopt a different play style when using a controller. I usually will go for a more support-based role, if possible; opting for long-range weapons/abilities, and playing a more patient, campy game. I play slower and more methodically this way, and try to position myself so that I don’t ever get into the situations where I need to react to somebody closing the gap on me in the first place.

    For me, it’s an entire mindset shift. If I play the same game on M/K, I’ll be playing with a much faster, reaction-centric style instead of one where my movements are more premeditated.

    Some other tips will be learning to do things like using your left stick for fine-tuning your aim (you can get very precise horizontal micro-adjustments by leveraging your player’s position, which can be useful for getting your shot off before the other guy does), experimenting with gyro controls if that’s an option for you, or trying joystick extenders (small gadgets that clip onto your sticks to extend their effective length, which may make aiming easier).

    As far as what to practice in, I don’t know of any aim trainers that are designed for controller, so I’d say you should just practice with a game that you either don’t care about or where it doesn’t matter if you lose a bunch. I’d recommend The Finals; it’s free to play, the default quickplay mode is active and puts you into a match quickly, and it’s super low-stakes so you don’t have to feel bad about experimenting during a live match. Your teammates don’t have loot drops or anything hinging on your success, so if you play badly, nobody cares. And it’s got pretty robust customization options for the controller settings (dead zones, acceleration curves, etc), which can help you figure out what settings you respond best to and what to look out for in the settings of other games. It has a huge variety in movement/weapon options, so you’ll end up developing skills/habits that will transfer over to other games quite easily.

    I didn’t mean to weirdly steer this into becoming an ad for The Finals. But it’s a very controller-friendly FPS that I think will be beneficial to practice with. I think it’s also pretty fun, but that’s subjective.

  • Yeah, the HD2 community has generally been pretty awesome. I’ve got something like 270 hours logged at this point, almost exclusively with randoms through quickplay, and I think I’ve only had like 5 people who were truly trying to grief anybody else in that time. There’s a good handful of people who overreact to getting TK’d, but generally people take it in stride.

    It was a bit worse shortly after release, though I think that was largely due to people not really “getting” what the game was yet (things like kicking people before extract to “steal” their samples, etc). Now that people have a general understanding of how the game works and what to expect when playing, there seems to be a lot less hostility overall, at least in the lobbies I’ve been playing in.

  • The reason is that Sony wants more data. There’s no technical reason for it, as the game has already worked fine without it for months. This is just Sony clamping down on a promise they quietly made and that most people forgot about.

    As for the extra hoops, if you’re still wanting to play the game and don’t already have a PSN account, you’ll need to make a free one and link it. It shouldn’t require any additional logins after the initial link, so after the initial account setup there shouldn’t be any additional change to the process of logging in and playing.