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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlliterally no clue
    1 year ago

    We keep the front mowed for the HOA.

    The backyard can grow until we worry about snakes affecting our pups.

    We have a front garden that gets no care outside HOA recommendations. It came with the house.

    Can't wait until I can OWN a house, but the market (with all the influences upon it) isn't there.

    I'm saving, and considering moving to another state, if that helps all the pedantic monsters our there.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlDoes cyber-bullying work ?
    1 year ago

    I having a gaming laptop. 13 inch Razer blase stealth.

    I bought it for the GPU and its compact size.

    Let's me do some hash cracking while at work, though if its some serious work I'll boot into Linux on my gaming rig and do it there, but I don't like to tie it down when I could be playing games.

    As I get older and older I have less and leas free time.

  • Unless things change drastically for their RPG division, I'll repeat what I've said since oblivion. Bethesda makes great modding platforms, the content within the game is a loose theme that modders can play with.

    Yes the new Fallouts are just TES in the Apocalypse.

    Yes starfield is little more than TES in space.

    I buy Bethesda games for mod potential.

    If they said no mods to all future games I wouldn't buy another one. I don't play ESO and I have never touched fallout 76 for this reason.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlLet 'em COOK!
    1 year ago

    Was that based on a more adult (but still young) reading level? The name sounds familiar and I grew up on RL Stine until I found the deluge of books set in the forgotten realms (Dungeons and Dragons setting, for clarity, not written by Stine)

  • They can do it in their free time, and even barter trade. But from sunup to sundown (or whatever labor scale they use to measure shifts) they are doing something materially useful. No contribution, no food that day. Should only take about 3 weeks to get rid of all the slackers (and I say that as a slacker myself) either they’ve gone back home, or they’ve starved to death.

  • Why does the onion, a satirical paper, write satirical articles?

    Humor would be the goal. Humor of course differs from person to person. It doesn’t always land. The other half of satire is putting a looking glass on absurdities of life.

    The problem is reality has gotten so ridiculous in the past, shall we say decade, that small bits of satire meant to get a smirk are no longer humorous, because of the horrors that go on everyday.

    So they have to be even more ridiculous than the world, hence a zombie horde in Russia.

  • Case@unilem.orgtoMemes@lemmy.mlAverage redditor nowadays
    1 year ago

    I had some severe sleep issues and ended up abusing DPH, not for any recreational effects I just needed to sleep. 9 days without sleep is bad. Torture.

    I took 30 of those pink devils, just to sleep. I was that desparate.

    Still didn’t sleep, but I went out back for a smoke and there was a spider towering over the houses in the neighborhood. Didn’t think anything of it while on the meds, just went out front to smoke lol. Also I had some common visitors in the corners of my bed room, cloaked in shadows whispery chanting in a language I couldn’t understand, while the darkness and certain patterns began to warp around me. But at the time it wasn’t concerning. DPH is a deleriant, line jimson weed and some other plants - they differ from hallucinogens in some interesting ways. Erowid has always been a good source on various substances for those inclined to research.

    For those who may be concerned, I no longer take DPH much at all, last time was due to a new minor allergic reaction to something I haven’t been able to identify. Something was in that hookah tobacco my body didn’t like. Also, I’m sleeping better these days - in part due to having the right medical access, as well as rigorous sleep hygiene.