My favorite ride is hand jack surfing.
My favorite ride is hand jack surfing.
Everyone is shallow for cowboy scoots.
Soon even you shall be his girl.
have you heard of the British empire? They are the OG America.
It may surprise you to learn the DNC didn’t make this shit statue.
That would attract far too many women.
ok grandpa
Or it’s a malicious file.
You would think that, but there is never “enough” money for the wealthy.
Eve has no friends, only political tools.
Honestly I hope Bethesda does license the IP out for more experimental games.
A larian fallout would be amazing.
I disagree with science, let us have the dongfish.
Assuming valve still exists at that point.
Damn, Cosmo and Wanda are into some freaky shit.
But eww, Reddit.
Assuming well monitored by adults letting kids shoot isn’t that big of a deal.
Heavy guns in general recoil less just due to the mass of the weapon.
There’s a pretty big downside though, in that you are now carrying a much heavier weapon with you at all times.
The problem is insults like that carry an unsaid message that someone with such a condition is lesser.
Nintendo will do anything except create a good Pokémon game.