Yeah, and you know where they are? stocking shelves and picking for the online pickup orders. Not running checkout lines.
Yeah, and you know where they are? stocking shelves and picking for the online pickup orders. Not running checkout lines.
i would say even 10 items is to much for self checkout, but thats better than walmart expecting you to take a cartful of monthly groceries through self checkout.
not in any walmart where i’ve witnessed the changeover.
Which is why I’m against making people do big orders through self checkout, cause thats when an accident can happen.
Not when you’re getting your genital itch cream.
Don’t need to get to a judge. They can just tresspass you and then you have to drive 30 miles to another supermarket cause you cant ever set foot in that one again.
Thats enough to fuck shit up for a lot of people.
Its cute that you are trying to twist what I said into something that I didnt say.
No wait, not cute. the opposite of that.
I said I want a 25% discount for doing their job and saving them the labor. Not that their labor is 25% of my bill.
I mean, walmart could easily fix that by having fucking cashiers.
At the walmart I go to they put in like 60 self checkouts and have, maybe, one cashier running at a time.
I don’t mind self checkout as a concept. Its fine if you are just buying a couple things, or something you might be personally embarassing for you… but they are not a replacement for cashiers.
Cashiers and belts are needed to handle bigger purchases like monthly groceries and shit.
Unless you are gonna take 25% off my bill for labor savings, I am not going to take my monthly shopping through a self checkout. I had to once when I had no choice, and I’ll never do it again.
I am not gifted enough to be on a donkeys level.
Maybe, maybe Tardigrad with an OD of little blue pills.
Sun is almost directly over head, Intellectually, I know that.
But still, seeing these pictures hurts my brain down on the primal monkey/lizard level.
Why do I have a feeling this person has a vested financial interest in one of those upvote buying farms.
Breaking out the alts now, huh?
If I answer that, then you’ll find all the other ones.
Seem to care an awful lot, since you are still here being a pissy asshole.
Just cant resist provoking hostility to feed that persecution complex, can you.
Yes yes.
Everyone is the enemy, even if they’ve no hate or hostility, and have provided nothing but calm and rational discourse… you won’t let that stop you from imagining what they said, so you can be upset about that instead.
Because you must justify being an obnoxious ass about everything, and to everyone, to try and artificially elevate respectful discourse into screaming and skreeeeee-ing, because its the only way you can sustain your perpetual victim complex to justify yourself. Its why you do abhorrent shit like equate basic internet safety that an alarming majority of people don’t know or realize in this day and age to rape. Because using rape in this way is a great way to provoke all sorts of responses that you can self-victimize yourself with, over and over again, to wallow in your euphoria of imagined persecution.
Yes. your comment set me off so much that I made a calm, rational response about the dangers of posting online and the lack of control you have over it.
God, someone stop me. Won’t someone think of the children?
“I don’t care what some rando has to say, now let me go back to posting on the site full of randos talking to eachother. BUT THEY BETTER NOT REPLY TO ME!”
If you don’t want people spreading your images, wanking to your images, making crude comment about your images, oogling your images, etc etc. And I don’t mean just nudes, I mean any picture you post…
Then don’t post them online.
because once they hit the internet, in any capacity, you’ve lost all control of them, forever. They will still be there to be discovered when you are lying in a nursing home at 104 years old, Your descendants so far removed that they dont even know your name will still be at risk of stumbling upon them. People on the other side of the planet might use it in advertising or virtual sex dolls without you ever knowing.
You might not like it, you might not want it, you might not consent to it, but its still going to happen.
And if you want it to not happen, don’t post things online. Because not posting is the only control you’ll ever be able to exert over them.
I lost a tooth to one of these things.
To be fair, a bunch of teenagers were also involved, making it spin at about mach 87 before it smashed into my mouth.
the tape spooled up on the reel inside a VHS looks like a thi(c/k) dis(c/k)
Like Vedal could last 30 seconds.