It’s great, I use it on 3 machines. Gigabyte Intel laptop with Nvidia GPU, Alien AMD desktop with Nvidia, and a Lenovo Intel desktop with AMD GPU. The separate installer for Nvidia GPUs is an awesome idea and took away my biggest headache (Nvidia driver issues). Installs were a breeze, performance is great. Laptop sleep /wake is very reliable. Intuitive UI and minimal fiddling meant I could get to work instead of troubleshooting issues. I only use Windows occasionally now for a couple games and Windows apps. I highly recommend.
I figured when work replaced my machine with a new laptop with Windows 11, I’d give in and upgrade my Windows boxes, but I hate it so much. The UI is a confused mess and it’s so buggy and slow, even on a brand new machine with 32GB of RAM. Just getting around file Explorer feels like the entire machine is coated in molasses. It’s like using a 300 baud modem and I am typing faster than the characters can go. I feel like I am always waiting for files to load, I forget why I even opened an app.
My main machine has been on Linux for a couple years already and Waydroid let’s me run proprietary apps. I’ll probably give up on PC gaming and get a new PS5.