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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • According to backlink.com there is 265,500,000 active users per week so 15% of those weekly users means there is 39,825,000 corporate whores per week. To have the corporate whores filled with real people you would need the entire population of the following cities to even come close:

    New York, NY 8,258,035

    Los Angeles, CA 3,820,914

    Chicago, IL 2,664,452

    Houston, TX 2,314,157

    Phoenix, AZ 1,650,070

    Philadelphia, PA 1,550,542

    San Antonio TX 1,495,295

    San Diego, CA 1,388,320

    Dallas, TX 1,302,868

    Jacksonville, FL 985,843

    Austin, TX 979,882

    Fort Worth, TX 978,468

    San Jose, CA 969,655

    Columbus, OH 913,175

    Charlotte, NC 911,311

    Indianapolis, IN 879,293

    San Francisco, CA 808,988

    Seattle, WA 755,078

    Denver, CO 716,577

    Oklahoma City, OK 702,767

    Nashville, TN 687,788

    Washington, DC 678,972

    El Paso, TX 678,958

    Las Vegas, NV 660,929

    Boston, MA 653,833

    Detroit, MI 633,218

    Portland, OR 630,498

    Louisville, KY 622,981

    Memphis, TN 618,639

  • Meh not really that wild especially when FDR kinda opened the can of worms by disregarding the 150 year old precedent that president’s should only serve 2 terms. He also failed in his attempt to permanently stack the SC proposing to expand the number of justices to 15. Despite his failure he was still able to annoit 8 SC justices while in office. Let’s also not forget his refusal to support anti-lynching laws and the whole complete disregard to the constitutional policy and procedure.

    Not meaning to down play it but for OP’s actual topic of discussion, The Business Plot doesn’t even skim the surface of the CIA’s depravity.

    Edit: This is entirely my opinion of the matter and I didn’t mean it to be as discrediting to you point as it comes accross. The Business Plot was and still is completely fucked.

  • Psh 1 plug aint shit. Every Pic I see from anyone who lives out in those ghettos of India, Central America or any spacific islands they also only rock 1 plug but theyre running the corner store, the liquor store, the hospital, their style of little school middle school and old school, 3 hair salons if Latin or 3 nail salons if spasific, Bollywood, every stadium from every country in the world cup, and always 1 dude trying to squeeze 1 more plug in cuz hes runing low bats. Idk why the American ghetto is so pussy. One time i seen a family that fuckin put covers over empty sockets?!? Come on dog thats like wearing a condom jerking off. NGL tho, I get super jelly seeing pictures from those countries thp with their thousands of power lines, phone lines, sidelines, cable lines, borderlines, internet lines… fuck I don’t know much about how my AOL works but those wizards must be streaming some Hella fast Tokyo banddrifts with all them wires.

  • I saw that. There must be an exception for businesses tho, right? Dont they still blow up buildings when they need to come down?

    I didnt look it up till your comment and my original comment was because I assumed it was still used based on the amount of roads I’ve seen on my way through the PA hills or going up to the ADKs where it looks like they drilled through the rocks every 10ft or so and I assumed it was for dynamite loads (giggety) they’d drop in each hole. Maybe they’re just relief cuts tho. Lol someone should google this hahah.

  • Silencers are used for hunting coyote and wild boar that devastate natural balance of ecosystems. Both are hunted at night and rely mostly on smell (for coyotes this is 1000x’s amplified. They can fuckin smell you before you put your boots on to leave the house lol). Silencers allow you to take down multiple nuisances by limiting the area spooked by the gun shot.

    My work around is an infrared scope gerririgged on a mount I machined to mount it on my cross bow. Dead silent hunting in the dead of night. Yet to actually kill a yote with it because I have to be 35yds optimally and I can never sit that still for a canine to be oblivious to me to get that close. Won’t stop me tho, I’ts peaceful as fuck in the woods in the middle of th3 night lol.

  • Honestly I have no idea if this is close to being correct but I feel like grenades are similar enough to dynamite which is (I think-again no actual clue) still used for mining and construction. It’d be more problematic to delineate one as a construction tool and one as a death tool so they keep them all under the same umbrella. Again, this comment is 1000% unfounded guessing.

    Edit: This I do know, federally legal does not mean legal for everyone! There is a similar procedure to follow for purchasing a silencer and I know a ton of people who have them that 50 miles south accross the PA or OH state line but there is absolutely no legal way or work around for me to legally own a silencer living in NYS.