After installing pacman packages (last one was ‘ungoogled-chromium’) my root partition of 20GB is completly full. Now I can’t update new packages.
My partition structure is: root (20GB) /home (470GB) swap (10GB)
How can I delete the garbage that is piling up in my root, and how to prevent it from happening again.
The main advantage of having a /home partition is that you can easily preserve it during reinstalls or during a distro hop. Reinstalls used to be more common in the past when some distros didn't allow full distro upgrades without reinstalling. See this result which is still ranked #1 on duckduckgo
I personally use a @home btrfs subvolume which has most of the same advantages to me, and additionally allows @home and @root to share the same partition. It also allows me to use luks on everthing without bothering with lvm.