if you could pick a standard format for a purpose what would it be and why?

e.g. flac for lossless audio because…

(yes you can add new categories)


  1. photos .jxl
  2. open domain image data .exr
  3. videos .av1
  4. lossless audio .flac
  5. lossy audio .opus
  6. subtitles srt/ass
  7. fonts .otf
  8. container mkv (doesnt contain .jxl)
  9. plain text utf-8 (many also say markup but disagree on the implementation)
  10. documents .odt
  11. archive files (this one is causing a bloodbath so i picked randomly) .tar.zst
  12. configuration files toml
  13. typesetting typst
  14. interchange format .ora
  15. models .gltf / .glb
  16. daw session files .dawproject
  17. otdr measurement results .xml
  • DigitalJacobin@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    I think the best way to go about this would be adopting the CommonMark standard but adding/changing a couple things to really complete it:

    • anchors/heading identifiers

      • Creating a heading with a custom identifier:

      • Creating an anchor/heading identifier (clicking a link to an anchor would navigate the user to whatever block/paragraph contained the anchor):

        ## the name of my heading {#header-id}
        {#a-paragraph} Blah blah blah blah.
        - blah
        - blah
        - blah
      • Linking to an anchor/heading:

        Here's [a link](#list) to my list in my ["the name of my heading"](#header-id) section.
    • footnotes

      • Note: The part in brackets is the reference. The part at the bottom is the reference definition.

      • But we should have it so that if the reference definition is just a link, it's treated as a link reference and presents as a normal link, but otherwise it's treated like a citation and just navigates you to the reference definition.

      • Example:

        I learned about blank[^footnote] after i saw someone mention it on [Lemmy].`
        [Lemmy]: https://join-lemmy.org/
        [^footnote]: Author's name, Date accessed. Title. https://www.example.com/.
    • tables

    • in-line strikethrough

    • superscript

      • But something less ambiguous than normal^super is needed (notice how, normally, the notation for all in-line formatting is surrounding text with some special character(s)). Something like normal^super^ may be better.
    • subscript

      • Again, we should probably come up with something less ambiguous than normal_sub. Maybe something like normal_sub_? And yes, i know _text_ is sometimes used for italics instead of *text*, but that's something that just needs to stop honestly.