Can I exchange them for carbon credits? A single one is probably better than quute a huge forrest!
Asking for a friend!
Any tips for removing the meat and bleaching the bones?
Step 1: make them mine for coal until they stop moving.
It's not just natural and compostable - it's incredibly and unimaginably eco friendly, super carbon negative, has positive effects on people's lives, and morally such a positive yearly habit (/ritual/tradition) that instantly cures depression & guarantees the best afterlife (or no afterlife for those who had enough).
You keep talking but never do anything.
So what you're saying is I'm all chatter, no splatter?
If only someone would always post the location of billionares and their planes and yachts
I mean how am I supposed to capture a flying jet?
may i introduce to you: handheld guided surface-to-air missiles
There are ways XD