I’m just tired. On the last post about having Linux at our work, many people that seems to be an IT worker said there have been several issues with Linux that was not easy to manipulate or control like they do with Windows, but I think they just are lazy to find out ways to provide this support. Because Google forces all their workers to use Linux, and they have pretty much control on their OS as any other Windows system.
Linux is a valid system that can be used for work, just as many other companies do.
So my point is, the excuse of “Linux is not ready for workplaces” could be just a lack of knowledge of the IT team and/or a lack of intention to provide to developers the right tools to work.
It’s also a tech issue. Linux Desktop is a mess and breaks constantly as soon as you start to tweak it. And every damn plug in is maintained by a few different people with no commitment of backwards compatibility. It’s a disaster and incredibly time intensive to troubleshoot every broken desktop on patches.
Linux is great for running technology services. Linux DE is and has been a disaster for 20 years now.
Wtf is “Linux desktop”? There are more than a dozen different mainstream desktop environments and window managers that have different degrees of maturity, stability and complexity so this blank statement is very hard to support. Not even talking about the servers/prtocols behind it. I can certainly not confirm that experience on Sway, Gnome and Hyprland and with how young the latter is, I would actually expect it to break.
So no, from a technical perspective, Linux is absolutely ready as long as you stick to stable distros and configurations.
Edit: wording
Lolol gnome, stable, 🤣🤣🤣
And I guess kdes swap to Wayland has been an easy joy for most people. I definitely don’t see bitching every other week about electron apps breaking.
You know Reddit is still around, if you like it better, you can go back. No one here would fault you.
So you’re purposefully using something you dislike even more than something you call shitty? Really healthy habits there, no wonder you’re a miserable to be around.
I’m actually hoping this place is successful. I don’t think it will be but I’m here for now. You really are inventing an imaginative story from a user name.
KDE is still working great on X11, which is the standard for most users anyway.
👌👍 whatever you say.
GNOME is the king of stability and professionalism, like it or not. KDE is like the GNU car meme, except GNOME is also open source, so KDE has no bragging rights. On top of it, GNOME is the Windows of extension ecosystem, putting cherry on top of the truffle cake.