FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out.

I’ve tried playing some JRPGS because they are considered classics and detective games like LA Noire before realizing the genre just wasn’t for me.

I’ve also been stuck in the mentality of if I want to play a game in a series I need to play the prior games. I’m doing this currently for Deus Ex, the Witcher, and Splinter Cell. I guess I’d consider that FOMO to a degree.

Edit: I meant FOMO as in the fear of missing out on something relevant. Not necessarily something that is intentionally being time limited like raids or micro transactions.

    1 year ago

    I guess I sucked at it. I played for 10-12 hours and didn’t beat a single boss. Graveyard Werewolf Dude and Weird Bridge Monster would just wreck me on the rare occasion I could actually make it to them.

    After giving up, I learned online that shooting your gun is not actually a range weapon, but it’s meant to parry. Stuff like that – unintuitive mechanics you’d only know about if you were nuts-deep in “the community” – I have little patience for.

    And mostly, I’m not playing videogames to prove myself to anyone. I want to have fun – not torture myself.