So recently tried zorin os and now im dual booting it with windows, and because of that I need a have NTFS partition between them. Now I have a 256gb windows partition, a 256 linux partition and a 1.7 Tb shared ntfs partition shared between them and I wonder how do you organize your files if you need to have them on another partition and cant use ~.
For programs they will always end up on / and I cant install them on another partition (dont know why) but what do you do for files? What folders do you have and where are they?
Some answers address some of your questions, I would like to address something else you said:
Programs can certainly be installed wherever you want them to, bit package managers have their own folder structure to follow. Installing a program is not a magical thing, it just means having the binary somewhere on your computer, and that binary having the proper libraries accessible to it. If you downloaded a binary it is TECHNICALLY installed on your computer.
The other important part here is you being able to access that program, for this there is an environment variable balled
which tells Linux where to look for binaries and in what order. So if yourPATH
whenever you try to run for examplefirefox
it will try to run/home/sarmale/.bin/firefox
if that doesn’t exist, it goes to the next, and the next until it finds it or runs out of options.Also in Linux you can mount partitions anywhere, and you can create links from one place to another. So nothing prevents you from mounting your
drive in/NTFS
or even/home/sarmale/Shared
.So how could I install programs on the other drive? When they get installed they are scattered between /bin /lib /usr/bin and others, how could I move them in /media/SATA (where my drive is mounted)
The only thing I can do is move appimages until now
Yes, because you’re installing them using the package manager (which is the recommended way). You can’t (and shouldn’t) move things installed by the package manager. You can manually install programs wherever. However, I think I’m missing a crucial bit of information, why do you need to do that? 256GB should be much more than enough for anything.