Inspired to make this post from:

Do you have any memories that spring to mind when you see old wallpapers?

  • The green rolling hills of XP remind me of when I started using computers, watching Insider Secrets on CNET and downloading everything that appeared on, then trying to make Windows XP look like Vista
  • Vista’s of when I installed every possible custom theme imaginable and spent half the time rebooting from BSODs while trying to play Zombie Escape in CSS
  • Windows 7 of what felt like peak Windows and when I got my first gaming PC and the joys of Bootcamp (never forget the Windows 7 Beta fish wallpaper),
  • Mac OS Leopards wallpaper of my first Mac,
  • Ubuntu 9.04: The classic Ubuntu where I had no idea what I was doing and I had no idea how to get Wi-Fi and sound to work,
  • Ubuntu 10.04 of when I first started running Minecraft servers and using Linux, not to forget glorious GNOME 2,
  • Debian 6 of when I started learning Debian and the fun that was trying use PPAs and custom repos on Apt and running servers in VirtualBox,
  • Mac OS Mavericks: Nice network share, would be a shame if it stopped responding and you had to reboot… again,
  • Windows 8 (not 8.1)… I don’t actually remember these . I used a screenshot from DayZ looking down at Elektro back when I ran Windows 8 consumer preview and the release candidate.
    211 months ago

    The Pandora was pretty cool even if it took so long to get manufactured that the SoC was outdated by the time I got mine. I do have vivid memories of playing Kolf on it during a long and boring speech.

    • @conorabOPA
      111 months ago

      The website looks like a blast from the past. The keys remind me of the keyboard on the GPD Pocket 2.