Oh I’ve got it! Just what I needed
these giant mfs in elden ring :l
goin to pick up the lsd
that’s just the indo’
Free bathrooms are often the most judgemental
true shit! That and theming live journal for some ladies was a good racket in HS
this one does require a “small” amount of “critical thinking”
that’s the essence of many reviews unfortunately ha
Wow I just commented positively on some conman reposting this…
I feel fucking disgusting yet relieved to be here
such is the way of comedy
There are few ‘viable solutions’ that readily present themselves to the concerned voter, so little gets resolved and issues continue to grow and morph. If you look at things through a state by state lens it becomes more cloudy because state laws will affect more immediate issues and can very likely differ. It’s hard to command fifty entities in one direction, all worried about various concerns in various directions. Having faith in this Rube Goldberg machine def makes for a bad time, so apathy and hope suffice. System working as intended, do not investigate.
seemingly half of all independent businesses in the burbs are landscaping, and landscaping is to HOAs what Christianity is to cunts everywhere, so … It makes sense
What a fuckin ride this has all been gd. Let’s do it, Denton.
You sound like somebody I could glean a few good nuggets of wisdom from.