Plants: shower
Masturbation: Jet on full.
I make shitty jokes and say dumb shit.
Plants: shower
Masturbation: Jet on full.
Soon, let them stab themselves some more.
Shhh, you’ll make people notice that it’s local powers attacking our rights and not some evil foreign power of the week.
When you make your hobby your job.
Don’t you know you’re supposed to dissect every single frame of a movie, so you can point out all of the inaccuracies and vaguely relevant plot holes!
Xitter is pronounced Shitter, like the Chinese president.
Pffft amateur…
Jar Jar Binks was a great character.
He’s just some Linus that we used to know.
Well come on in Jeffrey, there’s always room for you here!
It’s the best of both worlds!
Someone needs a cookie and a nap I see.
Naww, someone got a thesaurus for their birthday!
Me reading pannel 4: … you son of a bitch!
Good bot, your hearts in the right place.
Well you’re gonna need a drink after that, so this man’s prepaid as fuck!
Gods a cock tease.
Just block em, weirdos like that enjoy any response yo their shit.
I knew I was right to blame society for everything!