What type of cheese will be cancer mouse’s favorite?
Blood rain, giblets, and warm bullet casings
Mild, sharp, and sharper cheese tastings
Metal dudes shredding their taut guitar strings
These are a few of my favorite things
What type of cheese will be cancer mouse’s favorite?
Only thing is, it’s not about getting good, or wasn’t for me. Once that info came out, the illusion is shattered. In other roguelites I play, I always knew or thought I had a chance to an extent. Learning there even exist unwinnable seeds just killed my drive to play is all. It’s not about getting good for me. The game part went away when I learned that. Add that on top of the other issues that decreased my fun and it was a wrap for me.
Arguably appropriate with its success and the already burgeoning influence in new games. I loved the demo at next fest, played for hours and knew it was an instant buy. And I loved the full game, for about 5 hours. Once you realize that it really is just a restart simulator due to literally unwinnable seeds, the illusion breaks, or did for me. As a roguelite fan, I also didn’t enjoy the lack of run shaping tools and abundance of bloat jokers that only got worse as you won more. Very addictive and solid game, but I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a “bait and switch” from demo to 1.0 quite like it.
Where does “twist and pull back over the loaf” fall? Same as twist and tuck essentially?
Get Crime Boss: Rockay City instead. $20 full price with all the DLC included. Single player rougelite campaign mode. Multiplayer missions with RNG so they stay fresh. Hilarious mostly horrible voice acting by washed up celebs. Fantastic gun play. Just a great value really.
Played 3 hours last night with a buddy. No MOBA experience. We both had more fun than expected, even losing all our matches.
I already saw a community problem with people saying to forfeit within the first 10 mins and trying to abandon games. So I hope they keep the bot match options for when even the unranked queue gets shitty. Cuz it’s just a matter of time like all games.
It got a lot of little things very “right” for those that pay attention. It was better than I expected after hearing the reception.
I’ve been using it. Biggest issue is microphone recording. They did a hot fix for it just not recording your mic. But now that it works, it cuts out, which seems to be common. I may need to tweak my steam voice settings but they looked fine to me. Everything else about it is pretty great so far.
Same, but earlier today. How bizarre. And what an ugly piece of shit. Also a big forecast for rain so the dude was living life on the edge.
Same. I was getting bored and tired of the balance patch > bug cycle. Figured I’d put it down till probably the illuminate arrival. Now I guess I won’t get the experience of being the only diver fighting the squids like in the first game. Shame, but I got my money’s worth.
It’s as if millions of indie DnD set piece Etsy sellers cried out and were suddenly silenced.
No idea. I just know that it’s better than bad.
When you can get in, yeah it is. I’m really pleased with the transition to 3rd person and overall happy with most gameplay changes from the first.
My buddy and I have been duoing up to impossible so far and it’s a real fun time.
Same opinion from time with the demo. It seems to be a GSG design philosophy to keep players from the power fantasy aspect of games, which was a big part of why DRG never clicked for me. I still was willing to give this a try when I expected the price to be in line with other titles at around $5. But they came in at the premium survivor price with much less innovation than others at that price point. Let them keep getting that bag tho. Their loyals can help fund something I really want to play like Dark Swarm.
Next Fests are my gaming Christmases. I play way too many demos each time
Feb 24 standouts for me so far:
Meta-Ghost: The Breaking Show: Solid roguelite experience. Each of the 3 characters on offer have very different playstyles and speeds. In-run upgrades allowed for powerful, game-breaking synergies. Meta progression goes beyond just stat upgrades into new(?) territory by allowing you to customize your 4 skills (main attack, special, dodge, ultimate) in different tiers. There is also the ability to “weaponize prosthetics” (its a cyberpunk universe) that was not part of the demo. All in all looks like a promising new title for the genre.
Pepper Grinder: A fun, polished Devolver Digital title? Surely not. I heard people had some hype around this one and it seems founded. Fun, old-school type platform adventure with a movement twist - you drill through sand to get around. You can attack from under enemies, there is some puzzle elements to trap doors and bombs, collectathon bits, and YOU CAN SCROOGE MCDUCK ENEMIES. Hard not to see this one as a win. Should be another solid indy entry from the dying Devolver Digital.
Raw Metal: The artstyle and dynamic camera got me in the door. I’m not a stealth game guy, but this one has my interest. Most movement is from a top down perspective while stealthing, but if discovered, the camera shifts for a cqb fight cam while you take out your enemies. Not being successful with stealth at all times seems forgiving if you can make up for it in combat. This is a roguelike title, so patience is likely required regardless of skillset.
Never Grave: The Witch and The Curse: Commonly misconceived as the third Pocketpair EA title, its just published by them, different devs according to steam page. Shares some similarities with Hollow Knight visuals, but its really hard to see in screenshots alone that its only vaguely; in-game its more apparent that it’s not a copy. Gameplay-wise, its Dead Cells-esque roguelite without the soul/cell loss mechanic, so standard meta currency accumulation. There are also other materials you acquire that you use to build up your town and the shrines that let you purchase meta-upgrades. Combat was snappy, movement and exploration felt good for this type of game. One to watch for fans of the genre.
The Age of Hell: The game to beat for me. I am a boomer shooter fan, so I’ve been eating well for a while. But there is also plenty of crap that came with the explosion of the genre. So when you find one that steadily makes you go “oh fuck yes” as it introduces more elements in the demo is a happy time. Running on GZ doom, you have a dash mechanic, great christian demon-slaying one-liners, and a holy hammer for maximum mashing with combos to boot. But wait, you can also Mjolnir that instrument of god right at all the enemies and even reflect projectiles back. And did someone say Holy Hand Grenade? The dev did at least, cuz you get one. Toss in a dragon’s breath shotguncrossbow and chaingun with crazy RPM and I am in. Can’t wait.
I still have a bunch of demos to get through. Will add more if anything else catches my eye.
I’m really confused by the bail. What was he headed towards? Was it on fire? Was it school children? Puppies and kittens? What possessed him to take that roll?
2:04 is just a chick having people watch her fetish
Give me one good goddamn reason why the hell not
The Eric Andre show
I doubt you’ll find a rube to take that bet.